Freedom- Shmita

“If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you” (Deuteronomy 15:12).

In Deuteronomy 15, Moses instructed the people about the sabbatical year of rest (shmita). Inn Genesis 2, God rested on the seventh day after he had finished all of his work. Seven symbolises completion and God wanted people to remember the importance of rest. In the same way that God wanted his people to have a seventh day of rest, he also appointed a seventh year of rest. Some of God’s instructions to Moses regarding the seventh year was that everyone should be released from debt. “And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the Lord’s release has been proclaimed” (Deuteronomy 15:2).

God’s intention is that no one should be poor among his people. Many people are in poverty and adversity due to debt and unpaid loans. God’s desire is that his people would have more than enough to give. I don’t believe that God wants the church to be indebted to financial institutions. “For the Lord your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6). If we are Abraham’s seed, then I believe that we share in these promises as God’s children.

Moses also instructed the people to bless anyone who had fallen into poverty. The other instruction from Moses was to release anyone who was a servant after six years. For instance, someone may have owed a debt to his neighbour that he could not pay. In order to pay the debt, the debtor would agree to work for his neighbour until the debt was paid off. On some occasions, people would trade adult children to work to pay off debt. God’s instructed was that anyone in such a situation should be released in the seventh year.

Brothers and sisters, we are not Jewish, but God’s instructions to his people in the Old Testament, holds significance for the church. The significance of the Jewish calendar symbolises what is being released in the realms of the spirit. We can consider this a season of freedom, restoration and liberty. I don’t know about you, but I am tapping into this anointing and claiming complete restoration over every area of my life. I want everything lost or stolen to be returned to me double and even up to a hundredfold. “so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:14).


Published by Anneta Pinto-Young

I am a trained Social Worker who currently provides professional leadership on a programme to support Social Work students and Newly Qualified Social Workers entering the Social Work Profession.

Born and raised in Jamaica in a Christian family where my father is an ordained Pastor and Deacon who has served for over 50 years in the ministry. My father is also a trained musician and our family can be described as a musical family. I grew up in a small farming community in St. Peter’s, St. Andrew and my parents also have a small farm.

I credit my gift of writing to my father who I watched and listened to over the years as he wrote sermons, poems and other recitals in his capacity in ministry. English has always been an easy subject for me and over the years I have developed an increased interest in writing.

I am a Trainer, I sing and have a passion for worship, the spoken word and the free flow of the prophetic anointing. I am married to my best friend Andrew Christopher Young who is an advanced Musician and whose music you can find on YouTube and Facebook. I am a trained Coach and Mentor and I love experimenting with food so I love cooking. I enjoy trying cultural dishes from across the world and I view food as an entry into cultures and languages.
View all posts by Anneta Pinto-Young

May 23, 2022May 23, 2022

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Anneta Pinto-Young

Anneta, born and raised in Jamaica, grew up in a musical and Christian family. Her father, a pastor and musician, inspired her faith and talents. Anneta has served in various church roles, including choir director and Sunday school teacher. She writes inspirational content for her blog, Devotional Inspirations, and has been published in an anthology. As a social worker, she advocates for community resources and has represented Jamaica at international conferences. Anneta is also a coach, specializing in career planning and spiritual empowerment, and has extensive experience in leadership training and facilitation.