God's Most Liked Habits in a Person - House of Mercy Christian Assembly UK

God has granted us the free will to think and act as we please. However, people have sometimes led astray due to the worldly affairs that take the attention away from what truly matters: God.

Choosing to do the right things and staying away from bad deeds is something God likes a lot. There are several habits that God wants us to replicate so that we are brought closer to Him.

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children”Ephesians 5:1

Let’s have a look at a few habits that God really likes in a person.

A person forgiving the other and making up

One of God’s greatest qualities is that He always forgives His people. Even though people sometimes indulge in activities that He dislikes, He always gives them the chance to repent and return to the right path.

This is something God likes in a person as well. In God’s view, not holding grudges and easily letting go of inner anger is a highly ranked habit.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”Ephesians 4:32

Looking out for those around you is another highly liked habit by God. If God has bestowed you with status and position that puts you above the rest, it’s your moral and ethical duty to help out the destitute.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”2 Corinthians 9:6

Always siding with the truth is a great way to please God. He often tests us by putting us in situations where we are given the option to be open or conceal the truth. Choosing the right path doesn’t hold us back and prevents us from speaking many other lies to hide our misdoing.

Thus, God encourages us always to speak the truth.

Scrabble pieces with'speak truth' written

Being regular in going to Sunday church service or engaging your children in bible coaching from a young age are also highly liked habits by God. Being on the path to righteousness and spiritual growth while also maintaining the discipline to stay on that path is one of the best habits a person can have.

Through our ministries for men, women, and children, we help foster these habits in you always to be close to God and His commands.

HMCA welcomes you with open arms! Get in touch with us to get enrolled in any of our ministries or academy.

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