God’s Word Sustains Us When Life Is Hard - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries

Psalm 119:107 says, “I have suffered much; preserve my life, O Yahweh, according to your word.” The God to whom the psalmist prays knows how much and the nature of his suffering. Jesus knows the same about us but invites us to pour out our hearts to Him nevertheless.

God’s Word gives us strength in our weariness, and it comforts and sustains us. When not afflicted, we tend to go astray, but God uses our afflictions to help us obey His Word (Psalm 119:67). Without God’s Word to sustain us, we will perish in our affliction. God has purpose in our affliction, and one purpose is to know Him better through studying His Word. We must not forget God’s Word, for it preserves our lives.

Clearly, if we are to face suffering well, if we are not to waste our suffering, we must let it take us to God’s Word. If we don’t, our loss will be incalculable. If we do, our gain will be abundant and eternal.

Before difficult times come your way, develop habits of studying God’s Word, listening to Christ-centered teaching and music, and reading soul-nourishing literature, both nonfiction and fiction. Daily fill the reservoir from which you can draw when facing difficult times—and helping others face theirs. Great peace comes in meditating on the attributes of our God and His care for us. His Word is a source of delight to us.

In this video, I share about how the Bible helps us face the hardest times of life.

Photo: Pexels


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