How to Become Kind of Woman like from Proverbs 31 in This Generation

A woman appears to be inspired. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

The “Proverbs 31 Woman” came from the description of the righteous woman written in Proverbs 21:10-31.

It is a guide on how ladies could live in a pleasing way to  God.

However, it could be challenging to become the Proverbs 31 Woman in this generation.

Living in a corrupted generation could be difficult for you to be the kind of woman God intends you to be. 

When you try your best to follow God, you would not only please God but also be praised by your children or your husband.

Besides, you would fully experience God’s goodness and faithfulness since you follow His teachings.

If you are married, you will be a crown to your husband and but you are like decay to his bones if you are a disgraceful wife, as mentioned in Proverbs 12:4.

Behind”Proverbs 31 Woman”

A “Proverbs 31 Woman” is fierce and diligent but also a woman who has deep faith. The story behind the guidelines of what is a pleasing woman came from the mother of King Lemuel.

She does not want her son to indulge with unrighteous women, so she outlines the traits of a woman of God that the king should look for.

In the Scripture, King Lemuel’s mom advised him not to spend his energy on women who could ruin him as a king. She described that a wife should have a noble character and she is worth far more than rubies. 

Additionally, a Proverbs 31 woman brings his husband good and not danger as she lacks nothing of value.

She is good at selecting wool and flax as she has eager hands.

King Lemuel’s mother noted that he should find a woman who brings food from afar and gets up while still in the dark. 

In general, the mother advised her son to find a woman who is righteous, faithful, caring, and fearless in the eyes of the Lord. 

How to Become “Proverbs 31 Woman” in this Generation

Is it still possible to be the Proverbs 31 Woman in this modern time?

Since we live in a corrupted generation, we see women value how they look and how they can please the world rather than please God. 

As the Bible mentions, all things are permissible, but not all are beneficiaries. 

Here are some ways to stand firm in becoming the Proverbs 31 woman in this generation.

Know Your Worth in Lord

A woman reads a book. (Photo by Rahul Shah from Pexels)

If you know your worth in the Lord, it is difficult for you to be influenced by the world. You know your value, so it would not be easy to do unrighteous things to please men or others. 

Knowing your worth in God’s eyes could help you stand firm in doing His will and becoming a “Proverbs 31 woman” rather than your desires. 

In God’s eyes, your worth is the price of Jesus’ life. You are so valuable to God that He sacrificed His beloved and only son to save you and experience His love.

If you are having difficulty becoming a “Proverbs 31 woman” in this generation, just remember how significant you are in God’s eyes.

When your mindset is focused on being a beautiful daughter of the highest God, you can live a life free from pleasing others or yourself. 

Wear God’s Words as Necklace

A woman uses cross pendants for her necklace. (Photo by Taryn Fry from Pexels)

The devil is like a devouring lion ready to steal, kill, and destroy you as a woman of God.

In this generation, he can use idolatry to hinder us from doing God’s will.

He can use your busyness, family, and achievements if you are not careful to protect your heart with God’s truth.

Wearing the Scripture as a necklace could remind you of God’s command and will to fight against temptation, considering that Satan’s tactics are deceiving.

In Joshua 1:8, God told Joshua always to keep the Book of the Law on his lips and meditate on it day and night.

By doing this, he could be careful in everything he does. Then he will be prosperous.

The key to becoming a “Proverbs 31 woman” in this generation is to be guided by God’s word every single time.

Find Wisdom, Seek Lord

A woman appears to be reading a book at the beach. (Photo by Ike Louie Natividad from Pexels)

You can only be a “Proverbs 31 woman” if you have wisdom on how to become one.

By seeking God, He would give us the wisdom to discern what is good from what is not. Soldiers can win a battle with the right skills and weapons.

Every day we are in a spiritual battle, and as a woman of God, we need to be wise in making decisions to succeed in our careers, business, marriage, and God’s servants.

Seek God’s wisdom through studying the Bible and praying to Him. Ask Him to give you an understanding of every aspect of your life.

Then, pray to have the courage and ability to make wise decisions.

Seeking God could help you trust His guidance.

From this, let God be the center of your life in everything you do and say. You can start your day alone with God and His words.

Whatever you face or what comes your way, as a Proverbs 31 woman, you can deal with them with God’s wisdom.

Have Self-control

A woman holds a crossed note. (Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels)

Women are emotional, but with the emphasis on self-love and self-care nowadays, they are easily distracted by their feelings.

Our emotions could be deceiving and, if not controlled, could often lead us to distractions.

We received the ability to be self-controlled when Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 31 says that a woman is called to be self-controlled. They can stand firm against temptations even in difficult moments.

A “Proverbs 31 woman” can resist negative responses even when she is irritated. She could stand firm even when she wanted help.

More importantly, she could say no to her most significant weaknesses because God has given her the power to overcome them.

Self-control does not mean doing it alone but using God-given power to control ourselves.

Make Name for Jesus

A woman appears to be feeling grateful after graduating with her doctor’s degree. (Photo by Godsable Jacob from Pexels)

In this generation, people crave success for self-entitlement. We want to be successful in our careers so people can adore us. 

The world teaches people to make a name for themselves instead of for Jesus. 

As a “Proverbs 31 woman,” in all your success and greatness, may it be all for glorifying God and demonstrating His Good News than doing it all for your gain.

Keep Jesus as the anchor of your personality, and always remember the price He paid for you at the cross. 

Do not be proud, and stay humble because it is difficult to be proud and self-entitled when we compare ourselves to God’s standard of righteousness.


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Jepryll Torremoro

I am God's daughter who wanted to proclaim His goodness through writing. I believe that I am called to write for His glory. I am a Pastor's wife and has been serving in the ministry since I was young. As a writer, I want to share how God sustains me in my motherhood and in my marriage. Also, I want to discover more about Jesus and how I could be more like Him. Writing has become a platform for me to strengthen my faith and at the same time share it to others. It is my passion to serve God through maximizing my gift in writing.