How To Know If You Should Break Up | Selina Almodovar

There could be dozens of signs letting you know how to know if you should break up with your man.
Some signs are blatantly obvious. Your man is cheating. He’s a liar. Super selfish. Has no respect for you, your friends, your family, or your dog! Or, things could be worse… he is an abuser.
And while these signs may seem oh-so-crystal clear that it’s time to move on and start seeking a man worth your time and attention, sometimes, none of that matters.
For some women out there, they can see the signs and STILL find it hard to leave. Some will find the hope that things will “someday” change is enough to keep the relationship going.
Perhaps fear of leaving, or the thought that there is nothing better out there is what keeps women from walking away and starting fresh in their love life.
Whatever the case may be, there are a lot of women out there who are getting damaged from these toxic relationships! GOOD women too! Smart, educated, kind, faith-filled women! It doesn’t matter! To many, their common sense is not enough to overcome their denial.

Are you one of those women? One of those educated, smart, BEAUTIFUL women who are currently dating someone who is not a good fit for you! But because you both made promises to get married, have kids, and build a life together, you don’t want to leave?
Related Post: How to Turn Your Breakups Into Breakthroughs
Do you find that all of your friends are stepping out and risking your offense to speak the truth in love that your relationship is trash and things need to change because you deserve better? Perhaps you’re not trying to hear them out because they are too close to the situation. So I’ll speak on their behalf and help you see what you might not want to see for yourself!
Are you not sure when you should forreal forreal break up with your man?
In this video, I give some dating advice, as a Christian woman, on how to know if you should break up with your current man. Click below to enjoy this video!
Related Posts: Just Broke Up with Your Boyfriend? 5 Breakup Do’s (and 5 Don’ts!)