How To Use The Sword Of The Word Of God? - Raising Zion

use the sword of the word of god

Do you use the sword of the word of God? A sword is not a plaything. The Bible is the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:17). It is the word of God that cuts us up for self-reflection and correction.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬)

Everyone quotes the Bible like it’s some ordinary manual. As if anyone can understand it with their natural mind. No, it’s not possible for the natural mind to perceive the word of God with their intellect. Only the Holy Spirit helps man understand. Only those who are born again can begin to understand the word of God because they now have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:12-16)

Even believers who are visibly disobedient in their walk with God quote the Bible as if God is fine with them and they know what they are talking about. Who are these believers? They are born again Christians, who are either unwilling to surrender their lives to God by faith or simply disobedient believers. The second type are those who are not born again, but think they are believers because they were born into a “christian” family.

The devil quotes the Bible too. That’s how he deceived naive Eve. The difference between the non-practising believer and the devil is, the devil fears and trembles (afraid and recognises God’s power) in the presence of God, the non-practising christian doesn’t care. The believer on the other hand fears and trembles in adoration and awe of God’s love and power.

“But, God answers my prayers”, some say in defensive of their disobedient lifestyle. To know why, one needs to understand Grace. When the grace of God is consistently misused, there are terrible consequences for it.

Use the sword of the word of God in love

As believers, we are called into a high, holy and heavenly calling. This journey into which we are called can function only if we are humble and poor in spirit like Jesus (Matthew 11:29).

Speak the word of truth in love. When we truly care for people and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Every word we speak will be for edification, exhortation, comfort and warning.

God delights in those who spend quality time with Him. Understanding and Discernment comes with personal bible study and a diligent prayer life. We need to ensure we take no person or thing for granted. Then God will speak in and through us. We’ll be humble in our approach, it will be out of love and not to sound off on people. It takes time, time will wait for those who love the Lord.

Maranatha, praise God and amen.

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