It’s Not Your Fault!

“Hear, O heavens!
Listen, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought
them up, but they have rebelled against me.”
(Isaiah 1:2)

We’ve all heard it, although I hope none of us has ever
had to say it, “Where did I go wrong?”
 When teenagers run wild, and young
adults go against everything their parents have taught them, the parents
usually blame themselves.  I know my own
parents asked that question many times.

After bringing up their children in the knowledge of the
Lord; introducing them to the love of Christ, and teaching them right from
wrong,  and after demonstrating to their children
that God is the author and finisher of their lives, after all this, the
children of the godliest parents sometimes go off course.  Not only do the parents blame themselves, they
also sometimes come under the scrutiny of others.

And yet, our God is the God of second chances.  If you have examined your life before God, and
He has forgiven your sins, and if your wrong and even ask your children to
forgive your shortcomings, and if you have done everything right, and they
still go wrong, then it’s not your fault.  It’s their fault.  Because to sin is a choice; the choice of the
person who has the decision to make.

We can’t make the choice for our children.  You can teach them how to make good choices,
but the choices they make are theirs alone, right or wrong.  My parents did the very best they could, holding
me up before the Lord for many years and never giving up.  Both my parents and my dear grandmother
prayed for me up to the day I finally committed my life completely to the Lord.
 And then they continued to pray for me until
the Lord called them home. 

God understands about children going astray.  He’s been in the parenting business for a long
time, and sometimes even His children wander off into the desert of rebellion.

Bring your children before the Lord often.  Allow Him to keep them, and if they choose to
wander off, He knows what to do.

“Train a child in
the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

(Proverbs 22:6)

Raising Children for the Lord

such an awesome privilege
And a big responsibility,
God has given to us as parents
This wonderful opportunity
To raise our precious children
And instill into their lives
The wonder and amazement
Of the love of Jesus Christ

they will learn to trust in Him
And worship and to pray,
To love others with the love of God
And to honor and obey
As parents, we’ve been entrusted
To raise them in God’s love
To be there to encourage them
When they feel like giving up

to be there just to listen
When life deals some painful blows
And comfort them when they feel afraid
And when tears begin to flow
To share with them those joyful times,
The precious moments in their lives
When doors begin to open up
And opportunities arise

everything they face in life,
Let’s be there cheering them on,
For we only have one chance at this,
For childhood soon is gone
So let’s rely on Father God
To raise them to become
Men or Women who trust in Him
And in His precious Son.

© By M.S.Lowndes

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