Learn to Love People Better at Work — iWork4Him

It's safe to say that the Industrial Revolution was not started based on the premise of loving our employees. Many big business people needed workers, and many workers needed jobs, so they fulfilled one another's expectations, but very few of those workers felt loved or appreciated. 

A lot has changed over the last 100 years in the workplace. We've come to realize that what Jesus said back in Luke 10:27 – that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves - is in fact, true; especially when we recognize our neighbors are those who work with us. 

A whole lot of studying has been done on this subject over the last century. Dr. Paul White, a friend of iWork4Him, has written many books about the workplace. He wrote the books Rising Above the Toxic Workplace, The Vibrant Workplace, and The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace. We have interviewed Dr. White many times and addressed this topic again in a blog because we have seen that it is a universal truth: When you show your employees, coworkers, bosses, vendors and customers that they are appreciated – even loved – they will give you their best. 

It should not shock any of us that the spiritual truth that Jesus taught a couple thousand years ago is still relevant today. In fact, this whole premise of loving God and loving your neighbor goes back about 4,000 years or even more. God designed each of us for relationship. He designed us to live in community. He built us to complement each other with our gifts, talents, abilities, and voices. 

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, a spin-off of The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, highlights the necessity of tailoring your interaction with those you work with according to how they best receive appreciation. 40% of those you work with prefer words of affirmation as the primary form of appreciation. So often, we miss the opportunity that just a few kind, specific words can mean to somebody. Have you affirmed anybody today? 

The other languages of appreciation are quality time, acts of service, tangible gifts, and appropriate physical touch. Each of these has a detailed description within the book and on the website: www.appreciationatwork.com

When you appreciate those who report to you daily, you will see not only that their attitude will improve, but their work product will improve as well. The overall profitability of the company will improve. This is a guarantee. When people feel appreciated, everyone benefits. This rolls down from the CEO to the customers and the vendors. 

So, an old piece of advice comes back to benefit us all again: Love God, love people. It's simple enough! Will you implement this today?


Listen to or watch show 2015: The 5 Best Languages to Speak at Work

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