Living Stones for God’s Building

Isaiah 28:16: “Therefore thus says / The Lord Jehovah: / Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, / A tested stone, / A precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; / He who believes will not hasten away.”

The Lord Jesus applied this (and Psalm 118:22) to Himself in Matthew 21:42, and Peter spoke this to the Jews in Acts 4:11 and 1 Peter 2:7. The Lord as the precious Stone is the foundation for all God’s building, both in this age and eternally unto New Jerusalem. We are being built together both in Him and on Him (Eph. 2:20-22).

New JerusalemThe Lord is the living Stone and all of God’s building work is in life. None of it is of lifeless physical materials. First Peter 1 speaks about our regeneration (v. 3, 23). Then 1 Peter 2:2-3 uses the picture of newborn babies longing for milk. We, as spiritual babies, or as growing or grown up believers, long for the milk of the Lord’s word.

This milk is for our nourishment so that we can grow spiritually. As we taste the richness of this milk, we come to the Lord as a living Stone (1 Peter 2:4). By regeneration and growth we too are living stones for God’s building (2:5). In God’s economy His life is for His building, which will consummate in the living New Jerusalem.

Posted by Don on August 7, 2024


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