In this follow-up video to my video from last week, “General Lee and Our Masonic Ties That Bind,” I address numerous questions I’ve received concerning masonic vows and generational curses. I give greater scriptural background for generational sins and explore some New Testament passages that reveal Jesus’ understanding of these realities. I also share numerous testimonies I’ve received from my followers concerning their own stories of deliverance from freemasonry, and then answer some specific questions people have asked.

I encourage you to take the time to watch the video and glean whatever the Holy Spirit might reveal to you about any ongoing sin issue, stronghold, or harrassing types of attacks that might be tied to a generational or masonic curse. I also mention the free 50-page PDF I compiled for further research, FREEMASONRY: CUTTING THE UNHOLY TIES THAT BIND. (UPDATED)


It’s been said that the prophetic voices in this nation each reveal a different part of the picture. Some see the beginning (historic revelations for today), some see the middle (immediate warnings and daily adjustments), and some see the end (where it’s all headed). Your overall perspective will be determined by which part you focus on.

Personally, the Lord has shown me more about the first and last part than the middle. I do recognize the present dangers, but I don’t focus on them. Maybe I should. But I find that if we don’t have overriding hope in our warfare, the present dangers take center stage and immobilize our faith.

Though I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be some measure of food shortages, power outages, and threats of wars in our near future, I don’t believe they have to last long to accomplish God’s purposes. Throughout biblical history, hard times often come as God’s way of training our hearts to receive what He wants to give us. The timing of His intervention is more determined by our responses to His warnings than it is by any predetermined time table.

This is our challenge. Regardless of the prophetic pieces we listen to, they all require our engagement and participation to fulfill their purpose. Like a good Father, God wants us to learn the lessons as quickly as possible so He can release our promised inheritance. So, even as we make the necessary choices about the present dangers, let’s prepare for the future God has promised!

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
(1 Peter 1:6-7 ESV)

ONE DAY AT A TIME (4/24/2022)

The last three mornings, upon waking and looking at the clock, it has read 6:34. The exact same time – for three days in a row. My immediate impression this morning was it being about a scripture reference. If so, which one? The first one that came to mind was the book of John (not knowing what it said).

“They said to Him, “Sir, give us this bread always.”

Jesus had been telling His disciples to desire spiritual bread, not just natural bread. I smiled at this reference, thinking maybe this has to do with a possible food shortage – and to not worry about it. But I wanted to be sure. So, I decided to do something really prophetic – do an online search:-). I realized that “6:34” might give me a scientific formula, a catalog number, or even some random name of a restaurant! Even so, whatever came up, I trusted Holy Spirit to use it to give me some kind of clue to this cryptic sign.

The very first thing that came up was Matthew 6:34 – with a picture of a clock!

“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (NIV)

Bingo. This entire last week I’ve been thinking of the ongoing overload of negative information being thrown at us. Conflicting reports, controlling agendas, and depressing headlines now seem to be our daily bread (including the food supply now being threatened). Even as we claim victory for the days ahead, the battle for our minds is constant. Our spiritual adversary is doing everything he can to paint a bleak forecast and hopeless future to keep us in an endless cycle of doubt and defeat.

I believe the Lord is urging us to get re-centered. The context of this verse is Jesus speaking to His disciples about seeking first the Kingdom of God. Everything else they were concerned about – what they would eat and what they would wear – should not be their focus. His message was that as we aim for the Kingdom that can never be shaken, He will see to our material needs.

We already know that fear is the only real weapon the enemy has – and it’s not just a negative emotion, it’s a demonic spirit. We can’t feed that spirit through anxiousness about possible food shortages, money crashes, or health crises. We must put our faith in God’s supernatural provision – for ALL our needs.

Jesus’ words tell us that we can’t fix tomorrow’s problems if we’re worried about today. That means we must make the daily choice to feed on His Word, give Him our worship, and walk in absolute faith in His goodness and ability to provide. Regardless of our circumstances or the attacks waged against us, our trust in Him is a powerful shield and sure supply.

He’s reminding us that this war is being won, one day at a time.
Our daily choices are yielding lasting results, ultimately determining the outcome of our warfare.
Let’s make each one count.

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