My First Blogging Award!


Wow…Thank you, Joyce @, a special Mom raising a special child.  She nominated me for my first blogging award!  For those of you that aren’t familiar with the blogging world, these are just ways to encourage other bloggers and get their blog more publicity.


Here are the questions asked of me:

1. Why did you start blogging? To be honest, I really believe God put it in my heart. I’d been thinking about it for a long time and was convinced I needed to!
2. What book are you currently reading? I am in the process of reading through the Bible again. I often pick up the devotional, Jesus Calling and I just started reading the book, We All Married Idiots by Elaine Miller.


3. What is your favorite quote? Paul was quoting Isaiah 64 when he said, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

4. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?  Too many choices, but right now I’d have to say Madagascar!

5. What was the best gift you ever received? Besides the gift of salvation, I would have to say my family. Materialistically speaking? On my 25th wedding anniversary my sweet husband took me to Hawaii and on our anniversary he got down on one knee and proposed to me again… ring and all!


6. If you could request your last meal, what would it be? Anything as long as I am surrounded by my family.

7. What is your favorite room in your home? I would have to say my dining room because it holds many wonderful memories of family gatherings.

In keeping with the tradition, I’m happy to nominate the following newbies: (some are “newbies”–others are just new to me!)  Be sure to check them out and leave a comment that you found them here @

Alice Klitz, “Seeking to acknowledge and appreciate life’s blessings each day”, you’ll find her @

Aaron Broyles, author of Do Great Things, offers Christian principles in a formula for how to achieve great things in your everyday life.  Find him here:

Crystal Ridlon, young mother of two with a “flaming” heart for God, she is

Sarah and Chris, “a couple of regular people who got tired of complaining about the state of the world and decided to do something about it…” travel the world giving away pies!  Find them here:

Lauren, “a meeting planner by day and ruffle loving, DIYer, party planning blogger by night.”, she’s fun to follow @

Annalisa, a beautiful blog about  taking responsibility for your life and developing a passion for “ALL things healthy”.  You won’t be sorry for visiting her page @

Susan Victoria, a fellow Jesus-follower from New Delhi, India, you’ll be inspired by her story


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