New Jerusalem: Glory in Triumphant Joy

Jude 24-25 tells us that “the only God our Savior” is able “to set you before His glory without blemish in exultation.” Surely this verse is pointing to the Lord’s second coming and onward to New Jerusalem.

Let us consider “His glory,” “without blemish,” and “exultation.” New Jerusalem is a city “having the glory of God” and being illuminated by this glory (Rev. 21:11, 23).

New Jerusalem is certainly “without blemish.” Ephesians 5:26-27 tells us that Christ is washing the church with the water in His living word so that He can present her “to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish.”

When the Lord returns in glory, He will present the church to Himself as His bride. At that time, and into New Jerusalem, she will be “without blemish.”

Jude also tells us that we will be “in exultation.” Henry Alford, in his book The New Testament for English Readers says that this “exultation” means “exuberance of triumphant joy.” This will be our experience when we see the Lord, when we see New Jerusalem descend, and eternally in New Jerusalem.

We cannot achieve any of these three by ourselves, but God our Savior is able! Praise Him!

Posted by Don on June 30, 2021

New Jerusalem: Glory in Triumphant Joy

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