Opening the Door to 2025


    Turning the page of my calendar is always a daunting task. Closing the door on a whole year of events, it is always a ritual of mine to go back to the beginning. Starting in January of 2024, I revisit the events of the past year, month by month. Knowing that the calendar will be discarded, I gather one last glimpse of the year, reflecting on the events and sort of savoring the moments one more time. It seems that every year there are always days that were filled with sorrow and grief–but always there are others that were refreshing, encouraging… even exciting. Life is both–hard and good. Joy-filled and grief-stricken.

    Believe it or not, the highs and lows were equal in their ability to reveal the true source of joy and hope. Despite the emotions that come in waves of joy and pain, God is the constant. In the “valley of the shadow of death” He was there to remind me of His great love and provision; and in the moments of joy He demonstrated just how good He is. His faithful love is constant. Even in the hard, He showed me His goodness, His mercy and His peace.

    I look at those dates on my calendar filled with activity and I am grateful. Each day is a gift. I can tear through it like an excited child at Christmas to the point that, in my busy-ness, I might miss the true gift of that day. Other days are gifted with quiet and reflection or more routine tasks, and I am able to see how each is a part of His plan.

    Life is not about existing. Just getting through the day, or the year in anticipation of what is to come negates the importance of this day. January 1st comes only once a year. Many of us will look to the new year and start to plan what we want it to look like. We set goals, resolutions and schedules. If you are a planner like me, you will get a new calendar and start to fill it.

    What if, instead of focusing on filling the days with our plans, we start by asking God what His plan would look like? Would your calendar be less busy–or more focused? Could it be that the with some divine intervention your new year might take on a whole new meaning? I plan to be intentional about this gift of a new year. Here’s how I hope to make that happen as I wrap up the gift of 2024 and open the gift of 2025:

    • By looking back at every month in 2024, I gain perspective on the year.
    • I want to remember and be grateful for every opportunity and every trial, knowing that God was with me.
    • I will prayerfully consider how I will fill my calendar in 2025.
    • Setting goals for spiritual, physical and mental growth, I will look for ways to implement the time to make those things a priority.
    • Starting with January, I will fill in the dates already planned for–birthdays, appointments, etc.
    • I will set reminders for the important things: family time, respite, exercise, service, etc.
    • Plan our vacation time. I never want to neglect a spiritual or physical sabbath. Rest is absolutely necessary–and biblical!
    • I always select a different Bible verse to focus on each month, committing to memorize each one. There is nothing that can match the wisdom of Scripture.
    • In a separate notebook, I write down at least 5 things I am thankful for each day. Practicing gratitude always changes my attitude and is a good way to start my day and every day of 2025.

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