Personal Revival Is the First Step to a National Spiritual Awakening

    Between the rise of violent crime and infiltration of woke ideology, millions of Americans have felt as if our nation is crumbling. But with a new president in the White House, there’s a new optimism about the future. We’re ready for a much needed change, and I believe we’re going to see it.  

    Still, there’s only so much one person, or even one administration, can do. And while we want to see America prosperous, strong, and great again, we more importantly want our nation to be godly again. 

    That can only happen through a spiritual awakening. 

    Revival Comes Before a Spiritual Awakening

    But the step before a nation-wide spiritual awakening is revival in the church.

    To revive something is to restore it, to bring it back to life. Picture a classic car—a real beauty—that’s been fully restored to its original condition. It shines. It’s as good as new. That’s what revival is like—coming back to life, waking up spiritually, and getting back to living the Christian life as it was meant to be lived.

    God has given us a template for revival that we often quote, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV). This was originally given to Israel but, in principle, it applies to any nation—including ours. And notice the words, if My people. It begins with us. 

    When we come alive spiritually, it can change everything.

    Maybe you need a personal revival—a fresh touch from God in your own life. There is no better time to start rebuilding your faith than at the start of a new year!

    How to See Personal Revival

    Jesus, while speaking to the church of Ephesus, gave us the three Rs for getting right with God, “. . .you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent” (Revelation 2:4–5 NKJV).

    Remember, repent, and repeat. Remember a time when your spiritual life was stronger than today. Now, repent. Change your direction, and repeat. “Go back,” Jesus says, “and do the first works.” 

    Do revival-like things if you want to see it in your life. Just do the things you used to do without waiting for some emotion to overtake you. And in time, you will begin to see personal revival.

    Maybe you need to get back to sharing the gospel, bringing people to church, or maybe you need to start praying more than you worry again.

    Importance of Revival

    Our life can be compared to a wall. The wall is either strong and resilient or weak and crumbling. Do not neglect the walls of protection in your life, or you will soon see them end up in rubble.

    Start with your life, your home—start building the walls there. And let’s make a commitment to pray for revival in our own lives, as well as in our nation. 

    Prayer for Revival

    A prayer for personal revival, state revival, and national revival:

    Lord, I pray for revival. Let it start with me. I admit I fall short and acknowledge that, perhaps, I have left my first love. I don’t do those things I once did. Help me to do them again as You tell me to, Lord. Help me to have a passion for prayer, a hunger for the Word of God, and a desire to be a functioning, living part of Your church. 

    Lord, I pray for California. I pray You’ll send another great spiritual awakening to this state where the last one happened.

    Finally, I pray for our nation. I pray that You will send a spiritual awakening to the United States of America. I pray for President Donald Trump, his administration, and for the people that serve us in public office. I pray You’ll move in Washington, D.C. and bring people to Yourself. Bring people to repentance, whether they are Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. Just bring people to Jesus. That’s the most important thing of all, more important than anything else.

    You’ve raised this nation up, Lord, to be a light to the world. You’ve used us greatly, but we have forgotten You. But You have not forgotten us. Send a revival to America. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

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