As I reflected on this the following day, I heard the Lord say, “RECKLESS DRIVER:” Any person who drives any vehicle carelessly and heedlessly in willful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others and without due caution and circumspection and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property is guilty of reckless driving.

It was apparent in the dream that Bobby (representing a pastor) had become totally reckless in his behavior. He was so fixated on proving he could handle the trucks and parallel park them to the home base, he was oblivious to the consequences of his irresponsible actions. Now, he was trying to understand what happened and why, totally unaware of how his reckless actions caused the ultimate death of another individual.

In interpreting this dream, I believe there is a primary warning for pastors of large ministries, along with some additional warning signs that need to be heeded. Here is what I believe each part of this dream represents:

Large property with home base, along with semi-truck and trailer.

This represents those pastors and ministers who have been given large fields of influence in the church. Having a congregation or ministry as a home base, many of these popular ministers also have “side” ministries, including online platforms, speaking engagements, traveling schedules, book deals, etc. The pastors are the primary “drivers” of these ministries.

Pastor determined to park next to the home base.

The pastor’s attitude in the dream was “I can have it all.” He was determined to prove that he could be connected to his home base in addition to having these large side ministries. They could work together for the same purpose – he would make it happen. Believing he had the unique skills and talent to do what others couldn’t, he wasn’t going to stop until he proved it could be done. Visionary? Perhaps. Reckless? Definitely.

Dangerous speed.

The unnecessary speed was motivated by selfish ambition and pride. What may start as a godly ambition can soon turn into poison when ministry becomes a pastors’ identity and primary motivation. The affirmation and attention they may receive from influencing so many people should never be the driving force in their life. They need to pay attention and SLOW DOWN if they are to rightly assess their inner world and tend to their own soul and well-being.

Clipped family car.

This should be the first warning sign for any busy pastor that’s working at warp speed. If your family is negatively impacted by your preoccupation with ministry, it’s time to slow down or take a break. If you don’t pay attention to what’s happening on the home front, your loved ones are the first to get hit and feel the impact. And it’s only a matter of time before the damage becomes much more serious.

Any wrongdoing that may have started private, will eventually go public.

Where the dream first started with just me and Bobby at the home base, things quickly grew to include many more people in a wider field. The scene had quickly changed to include the entire city and those impacted beyond the home base. This is the reality of ongoing denial and the refusal to heed early warning signs. Like a seed, immature actions and irresponsible behavior will grow and can no longer be hidden behind closed doors. The fruit of the flesh will begin to impact all within the larger field of influence. 

Clipped police car.

This is yet another warning sign when reckless actions go unchecked. When one continues to deny wrongdoing and justifies sin, doors are opened to lying, cheating, deception, and a whole host of other demonic influences that will take one to the edge. Illegal activity is rarely planned, but it is often the next step when a leader refuses correction. 

Someone was killed and great damage was done.

Refusing to slow down when given the chance will only lead to greater harm. Not only personal harm and harm to loved ones at home, but harm to the body of Christ. In a worst case scenario, people may literally die when pastors do not take responsibility for reckless behavior. But spiritual death is also an outcome since sin always seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Pastors who carry large influence must also remember the greater penalty they will bear when going against God’s standards and laws. No gift or amount of influence will allow a free pass when someone has crossed the line. 

Totally different appearance and disassociation.

When “Bobby” emerged from the crime scene, his appearance had totally changed. This is the reality of sin gone unrestrained. It can totally change a person to such a degree that even their family doesn’t recognize them anymore. The name “Sammy” simply made me think of a mafia-type personality having a reputation for compromise and corruption. This is what can happen to someone who allows sin to continue unabated. They become someone else, altogether. The ongoing denial and rebellion can even open the door to mental breakdowns and disassociation from reality. This is the painful aftermath when leaders do not deal with internal issues from the start.

Serious and life-altering consequences.

The ending to this dream speaks for itself. It should illicit a fear of the Lord into any leader who has been playing around with their priorities, not listening to God’s warnings, and become reckless.

I pray that in sharing this dream and interpretation, we can become more alert to the gravity of this hour. Not only do we need this reminder of how unchecked sin can become deadly, we need to pray for the pastors of large ministries along with their families. Even at a time when God is cleaning His House of compromised and corrupt leaders, He is also calling to some who are currently living on the edge and about to fall. He is calling for them to slow down, take account, and get things back on track. There is still time to finish well. But time is short. Take heed.

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