Psalm 4: Bible study and commentary

Psalm 4: Bible study and commentary

Posted on August 20, 2019

Psalm 4: Bible study and commentary

Babatope Babalobi +234 8035 897435


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  1. Psalm 4 is a prayer which ended with thanksgiving for answered prayers
  2. King David cried to God in distress, setting an example of what to do in distress
  3. King David  begged for mercy when in distress, setting an example that our prayers should be preceded by call for mercy.
  4. Without mercy there is no answered prayers
  5. In verse 2 we realised the motivation for Kings David’s prayers as he also lamented that some men have turned His glory to shame. May God intervene and turn your shame to glory in Jesus name
  6. May God bring glory out of your every shame in Jesus name
  7. In verse 3, David  expressed confidence that God will answer his prayers; and went to outline factors that determine answered prayers:
  8. Believe God- vs 4
  9. Avoid sin- vs 4
  10. Talk to God in prayers – vs 4
  11. Be still to hear from God- vs 4
  12. Make a sacrificial offering – vs 5
  13. Trust God – vs 5
  14. King David ended by rejoicing in God for answered prayers:
  15. He saw the goodness of God- vs 6
  16. God saw the glorious light of God -vs 6
  17. His distressed heart became glad and happy -vs 7
  18. He sleeps in peace daily – vs 8
  19. He dwelled in safety- vs 8

Babatope Babalobi +234 8035 897435



This entry was posted in Psalm and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Christian, Deliverance, Devotionals, Faith, God, Jesus, king David, Prayers, psalm 4, Religion.

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