Seize the Hope — grateful, yet grieving

With 2021 coming into view, there emerges a hope for something better than 2020. Loss was amplified in 2020 and hope was diminished. But what does hope really look like?

My daughter found a shirt in the midst of 2020 that said, “Hope Is Not Cancelled.” It was a relevant reminder that needed to be seen as we navigated through the quarantine. I discovered the truth of that statement, and in fact, decided to explore further what hope looks like.

Hope hangs on when there’s no evidence of change. Hope stays the course when there are no directions.  Hope waits at the door while it remains closed. Hope keeps going when questions go unanswered. Hope keeps us in place when the world spins out of control. Hope goes through the fire, holding tightly to the One who is walking with us. Hope doesn’t ignore reality, but looks beyond to the Source of all hope: the living, resurrected, present, eternal, sure Hope. Hebrews 6:19 says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (CSB)  

Firm and secure indicates a tightly tethering to the One who will always remain faithful. Let us seize the hope and stay the course into 2021.

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