Soften Your Hard Heart this Valentine’s Day

Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | February 7, 2024

Soften Your Hard Heart this Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again.

Hearts, flowers and chocolate candy are on the way.

Valentine’s Day is here, and love is in the air, or is it?

It never really matches what we have tucked away in our fantasies. Love songs are equally written about love found and love lost. Yes, there is a lot of lost love out there.

Cupid got it right when he aimed his arrows at our hearts.

Love is all about our hearts and our willingness to be soft and flexible or hard and unmovable. Love is all about forgiveness and understanding. It is about giving without receiving, listening without telling and loving beyond our expectations.

So many husbands and wives have hardened their hearts toward those who they once truly loved.

Divorce and separation are too easily part of our vocabulary.

Jesus stated that divorce was only permitted because of hardened hearts (Matt. 19:8).

Not because of our inability to forgive or change but because of the rock hard covering we have encased our hearts in.

This hardness of heart is the same that Pharaoh experienced. That hardness blinded him even to the slaughter of his own first-born son (Ex 9:12). This same hardness of heart made Jesus accuse his disciples of unbelief when they would not accept His resurrection (Mk. 16:14).

This hardness of our hearts has caused us to have generations of children divorce where they do not know the true Biblical love of a man for a woman.


It is as easy as that and just as hard. We must believe that God is at work in our lives, yes even our love life. This almighty God is involved and concerned and moving in the life we have chosen through Him. With Him we live and love and in turn are loved.

Too often we have lost our faith and hope and the greatest loss of all is our love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Give your heart this Valentine’s Day a soft, open giving heart filled with love.

Frank J Walker LMFT-retired

Frank is a retired marriage counselor living on the central coast.

Check out all his blogposts at

and check his YouTube channel

“A Marriage Minute”

@ Frank Walker LMFT


Frank has written several books that are available @

Frank is an artist with 31 years of teaching experience.

If you would like to see his art, check out his Instagram page @


Or his art website @

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