Songs of Hope: A Playlist for Fall


Most Fridays, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. Five Minute Friday is a great place to hone my writing practice. It also allows me to be encouraged by other writers as I write. I will set the timer for five minutes and then write. Here we go! I am excited to invite you in, welcome.
The little bits of beauty and joy available for you, they matter. Because you matter they are made for you to find take time to notice.
I am here
I am here to live
I am here to love
beauty reminds me to noticeThe tiny moments of reprieve
they matter
the sparkling bits of life
they matterThe sounds that lift my sadness
they matter
the songs that buoy my soul to hope
they matterI am here
and the seasons are turning
my soul parched
like the dry ground awaiting rainI am here to live
and the shifting winds
blow in reminders
that a new season approachesI am here to love
and I love my self slow
I love the promise of letting go
I love the faces that ground me to life.Beauty again and again
invites me to see
look at your precious life
be all in embrace it.DFD.
I put together a play list to usher in this new autumn. I am leaning in and letting go along with the trees. Songs are the kindest ushers escorting me to hope.

P.S. This week we celebrate my 100th post I am hosting a giveaway to celebrate over on Substack. Make sure to leave a comment below, on Substack, or both to be entered to win! The price will be a mini care package with a few of my favorite things!
P.S.S. If you are local it would be amazing to see you. I will be sharing on a panel about writing September the 21st, today.
Beyond Books: Exploring Untraditional Formats in Writing
Bassani Theater Off Third 4:00pm-5:00pm
Also, the playlist can be found on Spotify.

What a perfect time to start honing your charcuterie skills! I have just the right thing to help you feel ready and confident while you gather. I created this simple and beautiful charcuterie guide for you. In my opinion it’s cute enough to show and then it would always be available for you! Plus, I am always honored to offer you practical content for purposeful and life giving time around the table. Check it out by clicking on the graphic below!
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