Sunday Stillness - Where is My Home? - Growing Through God's Word

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Where is My Home?

Our vacation home in AZ.

We are snowbirds and we fly south for the winter. Each year we fill out a US tax form to show that we have a closer connection to Canada. Canada  – that’s where our family resides, our church, and church family, our home, our cars, our doctor, optometrist, and our possessions and documents. We want to ensure that the US government knows we do not intend to reside in the US forever and become income taxable in the US.

We are just visiting.

In our spiritual lives, we need to think about which place is our closer connection.

Or are we just visiting?

As I finished reading the last study on Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself, the thought of closer connection became clear.

As followers of Jesus, we are just visiting here on earth. It is not our home. And I need to show others my closer connection.

Jesus said:

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world (John 15:19, NIV).

Next week I will talk about the way to get this closer connection so we know to whom we really belong.

It is not God’s will for us to be mastered by anything other than Him – Beth Moore. Living Beyond Yourself.


As followers of Jesus we need to show others we have a “closer connection” to God. (tweet this)

It is not God’s will for us to be mastered by anything other than Him ~ Beth Moore. (tweet this)

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