The Grand Finale of February

grand finaleAlthough February at the Sparks’ house hasn’t been very grand, it’s almost over.  So we can call this a grand finale. It hasn’t been bad, mind you.  Just not a lot going on.

If you were with me last month, you know my daughter Shelby had major surgery on the 19th.  I have taken over a month off from work to be with her as she recovers, so we have been slow moving.  A lot of sitting and snuggling (I don’t mind that).  Many pills taken and slow painful walks.  But she is a tough girl and we are getting through this.  Your continued prayers for a full recovery and freedom from pain are appreciated.

Here’s What Was Grand About February

Allie, our youngest, got to play one of the narrators in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.  Our high school’s spring musical is always a popular event.  And due to some winter weather (during which everything shuts down in Texas), we weren’t sure it was going to happen!  Opening night was delayed by two days and they carried an extra performance over to the following week, so they got to perform 3 of 4 planned performances.  The kids were quite nervous for the first night since school closings had kept them for practicing for almost a week, but the show must go on!  It was all phenomenal and we are so appreciative that our in-laws offered to sit with Shelby so that Chuck and I could attend all three nights together!

Just a couple of days after the show closed, Allie and 5o of her closest theatre friends flew to New York City.  They ran non-stop for 4 days, seeing 5 Broadway shows, including Lea Michele in Funny Girl, sang on stage at a piano bar, did workshops with members of the Broadway community, saw the 9/11 memorial and so much more.  I had one tired, but happy girl.

Chuck had some follow up scans and appointments and we are relieved to say there are still no signs of cancer!  We also had ladies from my church life group provide us meals for almost 3 solid weeks.  What a blessing as we focused on getting Shelby well!  A  couple of friends who brought lunch and some company to me helped this social butterfly maintain some sanity as well.  And a special shout out to my friend and hair dresser who came to the house with some sort of sink contraption to help me wash Shelby’s hair when she had her wound vac and still couldn’t get in the shower!


Mid-month I officially gained a new niece!  I loved getting to be in the courtroom and celebrate with my sister and her family afterwards as Nevaeh became a #Cason4life.  And the following Monday Allie was out of school and I got to spend some time with her doing nails and shopping.  These moments are becoming so precious to me as we get closer to her graduation.

On the 22nd, my sweet hubs turned a year older.  Then, Allie turned 18 the next day.  We made a little bigger deal out of that one.  Poor Chuck hasn’t really had a birthday since she was born.  We decorated her car and got her birthday donuts on the morning of her big day.  And after school, she and I went to get tattoos.  She has wanted one for several years so that’s what we did.  Small and tasteful.  Tonight we are having a party at our house with Mexican food, cheesecakes and her closest friends from church and school.  I love getting to celebrate her.


Chuck and I had a sitter come over to the house and sit with Shelby 3 weeks after surgery to escape for a little alone time.  I introduced him to cryotherapy.  Not something I do often but it was fun to watch him experience the big freeze.  Then we went to see the movie Devotion.  Was sadder than I anticipated but we enjoyed the well done story.  And the date as a whole.

At home we have started The Gilmore Girls with Allie.  She and I are hooked.  And Chuck and I are still chipping away at The West Wing.  I read Daughter of Joy (Brides of Culdee Creek #1) by Kathleen Morgan.  I also listened to the audiobook of The Road to J.O.Y.:  Leading with Faith, Playing with Purpose, Leaving a Legacy by Scott Drew with Don Yaeger.  Sense a theme with the books?  Yes, joy is my word of the year.  And yes that had something to do with me choosing them.  Also, it’s well documented that I love a theme so I wanted to read this basketball book about a school I love and coach I admire during basketball season.  I really enjoyed both!

I’m almost through with Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry.  I love memoir and I’m such a huge fan of the TV show Friends, but this book is so very sad.  The addictions, of course, are terrible.  But the saddest thing of all is how he is searching for God and so completely missing him.  It has prompted me to pray for Perry, though.  Since he is seeking, I really hope he finds the truth.

Well, that’s it from here.  I would love for you to drop a comment or send me an email and let me know what you’ve been up to.  And as always, I love you, I thank you, and I hope March treats you well!

And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!

I’m not sure what I love more:  memoir or historical fiction!  So I was glad to get these recommendations from Linda Stoll!

The Link Up

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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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TAMMY KENNINGTON – Restoring hope. Pursuing peace.
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