The Lord Reigns Forever

But the Lord reigns forever, executing judgment from his throne. He will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness. Psalm 9:7-8

Nothing on the earth will last forever. According to the Bible, the earth itself won’t last forever. I find it interesting how the popularity of influential people quickly fades away.

I would have to think hard to recall all the presidents who have served during my lifetime. And don’t even ask me who won the Superbowl last year because I don’t remember.

David, the author of Psalm 9, clearly communicated God’s majesty. The Lord isn’t an influence we will quickly forget because He reigns forever.

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Unlike the political or personal agendas of presidents, prime ministers, kings, or dictators, God reigns with fairness. The Lord reigns with justice over His entire creation.

Another difference between God and world leaders rests on the fact of accessibility. The Lord has made it easy for anyone to come into His presence with needs or concerns.

The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you. Psalm 9:9-10

The Lord reigns in both our hearts and lives. He guides our steps and lights our path through this life. All our praise belongs to Him, and He fills us with joy.

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. And I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2

Lord Reigns Forever

A Personal Testimony

I occasionally serve on a team that interviews candidates seeking ministry credentials. A few years ago, we had the opportunity to interview some graduating college students.

One of the young men who sat before us said something startling. He told us that he would get alone and yell at God when things didn’t go right for him.

I asked him why he felt he had the right to yell at the Lord. He responded by saying the Lord wants us to let our frustrations out.

In pursuing his strange opinion, I continued by asking him if he yells at his parents. He said no! Then I asked, but you feel it’s ok to yell at the creator of the universe?

Before he could answer, I added, the one who has made everything you can see? I then asked the one who will give you your next breath?

I didn’t intend to back him into a corner, but he did try to defend his position. He said that David, in the Psalms, made his feelings known.

David did ask God many questions, but we don’t see where he disrespected Him. David sat on Israel’s throne and understood the respect his authority demanded.

As king, he couldn’t tolerate disrespect aimed in his direction. Therefore, as the reigning king, he found disrespecting the Lord, who reigns forever, unacceptable.

We can Approach the Lord who Reigns Forever

We have the freedom to go boldly and fearfully to God with our needs and concerns. Peter, in his first epistle, addressed how we should approach God.

And all of you, dress yourselves in humility as you relate to one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:5-6

Humbly relating to one another serves as the best way to practice humility towards God. Peter also encouraged us to take our needs to God.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7

Then the apostle said, be strong in your faith and stay alert! The devil prowls around like a roaring lion and seeks to devour God’s children. But God has better plans for you.

In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 5:10

Peter said, even though things don’t go well for you now, hang on. They will only last a short time. Keep your eyes on the Lord, the one with all power and who reigns forever.

So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All power to him forever! Amen. 1 Peter 5:10-11

The words that Peter wrote, “All power to Him forever,” ring throughout all of heaven. Even while God executes justice from His throne, the following words can be heard.

The Lord is Worthy

“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” Revelation 4:11

In our verse for today, David told us the Lord will judge the world with justice. God’s justice system, however, differs immensely from what we call justice here on earth.

The Lord only has two judgments for humans: the Judgement Seat of Christ and the White Throne Judgement. Jesus gave a simple illustration of who goes to which judgment.

Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn. Matthew 13:30

In this illustration, the barn refers to heaven, making the fire self-explanatory. Those who have accepted Christ as their Savior go to the barn. The bundles represent those not saved.

Those whom Jesus referred to as the wheat will meet with Him to go to heaven. Jesus will judge their works. This is called the Judgement Seat of Christ.

For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body. 2 Corinthians 5:10

No one who stands before God at the White Throne Judgement will enter heaven. Everyone at one time or another had a chance to turn to Jesus, but they didn’t.

And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15

The Lord Reigns Forever

If anyone feels that God’s justice system isn’t fair, it’s because they are comparing it with their own system. Remember, the Lord reigns. He always has and always will.

Lord, the Psalmist said that you execute judgment from your throne. No other power reigns, Lord, but you. Help us to tell others about your justice system.

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