The Study of Job

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Today, we continue our journey through the Bible with today’s study of Job. May God show us what He wants us to learn. Psalm 19:14; “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.”

As we study the Bible alone or in a group setting, there are several questions we can ask ourselves to help us dig deeper. The five questions are as follows:

  1. What does the scripture say about God?
  2. Then what does the scripture say about me?
  3. Does something in this passage challenge me?
  4. What gives me hope in this passage?
  5. Is anything unclear to me?

I hope these questions help you as much as they help me.


  • Author: Unknown, possibly Job. Some have suggested Moses, Solomon, or Elihu.
  • Audience: every person who has cried out, “Why me, God?” 
  • Date Written: Unknown. Records events that probably occurred during the time of the patriarchs, approximately 2000-1800 B.C. 
  • Length: 42 Chapters
  • Key Words: Trial or tribulation
  • Key Verses: “Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.” (2:3)
  • Key People:  Job, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite, Elihu the Buzite 

Summary of Job:

Job is the first of the poetic books in the Hebrew Bible. Some believe this was the first book of the Bible to be written. The book gives us insights into the work of Satan. Ezekiel 14:14, 20 and James 5:1 mention Job as a historical character.

One of the central themes in the book of Job is the question, “why do the righteous suffer?” This is a question that is still asked in our world today. Job’s friends insist suffering comes from punishment from God. Another friend tells him to humble himself and submit to God’s use of trials to purify his life. In the end, Job himself decides that he must trust the sovereignty of God and completely trust in His will no matter what is happening in his life. 

The Study of Job – One of the central themes in the book of Job is the question, “why do the righteous suffer?” Click To Tweet

Sections of the Book:

The book of Job has six sections which are:

  1. Job before the trial begins (Chap 1-1:5)
  2. The testing starts (Chap 1:6-2:13)
  3. Job laments his situation (Chap 3)
  4. Dispute of the purpose of suffering (Chap 4-37)
  5. Divine Discourse (Chap 38-42:6)
  6. God’s verdict and Job restored (Chap 42:7-end)

Messages in Job:

The book of Job raises many questions about the purpose of suffering. Direct answers are difficult to find in Job. But we know our hope rests in Christ, who identifies with our grief (Heb 4:15). Ultimately, Job cries out to Christ, the Mediator between God and man, showing us the way for us to go too.

The Book of Job reminds us that a spiritual battle rages behind the scenes that we usually know nothing about. So we question why God allows something to happen. And we suspect or doubt God’s goodness because we can’t see the complete picture. The Book of Job teaches us to trust God under all circumstances. We must trust God, not only during the times we do not understand but especially we do not understand. 

Final thoughts:

And like so many other Books of the Bible, we see God’s character on display in this book. They are:

  1. Deliverer – 33:27, 28
  2. Glorious – 37:22
  3. Invisible – 23:8, 9
  4. Just – 4:17; 8:3; 34:12; 37:23
  5. Loving – 7:17
  6. Powerful – 5:9; 9:4, 10; 26:4; 36:22; 40:9
  7. Provident – 1:21; 26:10; 37:9-13
  8. Righteous – 36:3
  9. Unsearchable – 11:7; 37:23
  10. Wise – 9:4; 11:11; 21:22; 23:10; 28:24; 34:21; 36:4, 5; 37:16
  11. Wrathful – 9:13; 14:13; 21:17

We must remember this message from Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV); “8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” It is our responsibility to obey Him, to trust Him, and to submit to His will, even when we don’t understand it.

All Lessons from the Bible

Each book of the Bible contains lessons for us to learn and historical information. We must study God’s Word to see what to do and what not to do in life. Paul reminds us of the importance of the words within the text in 2 Timothy 3.

2 Timothy 3:14-17; “14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


Prayer for Job

Grant me the understanding and knowledge of You and Your word. As I open my Bible to read the scriptures, it gives me wisdom and discernment. And even as I sit and listen to the pastor, preacher or apostle reveal what Your Holy Book is speaking into my life, help me see and understand. Help me know Jesus Christ and how He lived His life so I can follow in His precious footsteps.

Do you need prayer? I would love to pray for you. Submit your prayer request on my website at

Yvonne M Morgan

Grace and Peace to you,

Yvonne M. Morgan is a Christian #author, #blogger, and #speaker. #BibleGatewayPartner

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

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