The Upside Down Life series starts Sunday!

Hey guys,

Grandpa Greg here! Or, as my granddaughter Stella calls me, “Bapa.” She can’t pronounce “grandpa” yet, so “Bapa” it is.

This weekend, I will be starting a brand new series, based on the book of Acts. We call this amazing book, “The Acts of the Apostles,” but it really is the a record of the “Acts of the Holy Spirit” as done through ordinary men and women who changed their world. I am calling this series, The Upside Down Life.

I chose this title because the church of the first century turned their world upside down for Christ. It seems wherever Paul went, something happened, either a conversion or a riot. People came to faith after hearing him.

Acts 17:6 says, “‘Paul and Silas have turned the rest of the world upside down, and now they are here disturbing our city,’ they shouted.”

We need more disturbances like that today, don’t you think? We talk a lot about how bad things are today in the twenty-first century, and they are. But things were crazy in the first century too, when the church was born. Their world was not too different then ours and in some ways it was much worse.

They lived under the jurisdiction of the godless Roman Empire. Immorality was rampant. The religious establishment was corrupt. Idolatry, spiritism, and demon worship were openly practiced. Everywhere the first Christians went, they were ridiculed, opposed, persecuted, and even physically assaulted for their beliefs. In cities like Corinth, prostitutes openly walked the streets.

Yet within 30 years, the original 120 and their converts changed their world. They didn’t have big buildings, television, radio, the Internet, or even blogs! 🙂 Yet, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they changed their world.

How did they do it? I will be talking about that, starting this Sunday at Harvest. You can log on to and watch a webcast live or archived. Or you can come in person to one of our three morning services at 7:45 A.M, 9:45 A.M. or 11:45 A.M.

Have a Blessed Weekend!

P.S. Don’t forget, I have a weekend devotion that you can read here. And a weekly column at World Net Daily, which you can read here.

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