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by Lauren Caldwell

When children are born again into the supernatural realm, they are not given a smaller portion of God! They are fully able to experience God for themselves without limits. These smaller saints should be among those who are equipped for the work of the ministry.

Often savvy adults who want more understanding read a children’s book to get the general idea of a new topic. Why not do the same? Read There’s No Junior Holy Spirit for yourself or along with your child to learn how to navigate the spiritual realm. Supernatural parenting is your inheritance.

  • How can I teach my children to pray?
  • How can prayer with my children be effective?
  • How can I teach my children about spiritual warfare?
  • How do I help my child with nightmares?
  • How do I talk to my child about the devil?
  • How do I talk to my children about heaven?
  • How do I talk to my children about hell?
  • How do I talk to my children about death?
  • Are angels real? Are demons real?
  • What is deliverance with children?

Having supernatural children has always been part of God’s plan. Let There’s No Junior Holy Spirit provide practical understanding and improve prayer with your children. It can become a very natural and normal part of your life. As you walk with your children through this manual, you both will recognize the supernatural authority you have been given as a child of God.

For too long Christians have lived in the box of religion and propriety according to the ways of man. There’s No Junior Holy Spirit will introduce you to “the more” of spirit-filled parenting. As you walk in the spirit, you will see a shift in your relationship with God as well as your children.

136 pages