Turning Mountains into Molehills - A tale of two Mountains

This COVID-19 pandemic has dampened most of our travel plans this summer. But, my family escaped to the mountains for a period of rest. We stayed in a log cabin on the slopes of Pike’s Peak. Besides, we found plenty of open space to social distance. So, this still allowed us time to relax. We even got a visit from a black bear one evening. He kept the social distancing protocol too. Once again, I felt inspired and renewed by this time away and gazing over God’s handy work in the nature around the cabin.  

The Journey

After Colorado, we continued onward to spend a few days in Wyoming and Nebraska. Also, we wanted to experience some of the scenic drives through these areas. The magnificent scenery did not disappoint me. Majestic mountains, gurgling streams, and trees of every shape and size delighted my senses. But, I noticed a change as we moved east along rural roads. Soon, my thoughts turned towards God as I surveyed the changing landscapes. Finally, a tale of two mountains emerged.

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.

John 7:38

In Colorado, the Aspen trees reached towards the heavens. Lush and green growth spread up the mountain around us. Everything about the cabin felt fresh and alive. In fact, the area flourished with plants and fauna. The breath of God’s creation filled me with a peace not found in the pace of city living. Then, the rains came and invigorated the earth. The moistened ground offered up its nutrition as all felt right in God’s world.

A Tale of Two Mountains by Yvonne M Morgan

The Lesson

After vising Wyoming for a few days, we started to head east towards Nebraska. Soon, I noticed a change in the environment. A dryness spread over the area, which seemed to suck the life out of everything. In fact, few trees appeared on the exposed rocks of the mountains. The intense sun bounced off the barren landscape making the heat feel more oppressive. In the same way, I felt thirsty in the dryness of this land. 

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,

John 4:13

What did I discern from these two different mountains? First, I learned of the importance of water to enable a landscape to flourish. Then God showed me that the living water that flows from Him has the same effect on our Christian walk. When we connect with the source of living water, our lives will thrive in Christ. In contrast, a life not active in Jesus will appear dry and desolate. We need to water our faith daily. In fact, like the mountains in Colorado, our faith can help nourish the dry and dusty land around us.

When we connect with the source of living water, our lives will thrive in Christ. In contrast, a life not active in Jesus will appear dry and desolate. We need to water our faith daily Click To Tweet

Later, I noticed a few trees atop the Scott’s Bluff. One tree withered and dead because its roots could not reach down the mountain. While a nearby tree still lived. Its root system stays connected to the source of life. So too, our lives can receive refreshment even in the driest of times if we remain united with Christ. He is the source of all life. 

Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; my servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; my servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame.

Isaiah 65:13

Staying Connected

But, how do we stay connected with Christ, especially during this time of pandemic? How are a few ways I came up with and I am sure you could add some more:

  • Spend time in prayer
  • Read the Bible
  • Connect electronically with other believers 
  • Meditate on God’s word
  • Journal your thoughts, feelings, and prayers
  • Listen to gospel music
  • Talk a walk in nature

So too, our lives can receive refreshment even in the driest of times if we remain united with Christ. He is the source of all life.  Click To Tweet

In a word, don’t let your spirit dry out like the peaks and trees I saw in Nebraska. Seek and connect with God daily to get filled with His life-giving flow. Like what I saw, you will notice a difference when you are well watered. And then, we can become a spring of living water for others in their dryness. 


Eternal Father, thank you for the gift of living water. Fill my cup, Lord, so that I may overflow with your love and passion for others. Help me to realize when I am running on empty so that I may seek you. Refresh my soul. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Yvonne M. Morgan, author, blogger, and speaker.

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

100% of the proceeds from sales of my book, Turning Mountains Into Molehills, help the orphans at Orphan Relief Effort, Inc.

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Getting to know Jesus

Prayer for Salvation

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The Seasons of Trees

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