A Better Hiding Place
Even when we try to cover things up, God knows the depths of our hearts.
6 min read
Even when we try to cover things up, God knows the depths of our hearts.
I think we have all been shocked and saddened whenever we see what appears to be a homeless person. The stereotyped image of a slightly disheveled person standing on a street corner holding a cardboard sign seeking money has become increasingly common in towns across America. Especially disheartening is to...
DALLAS - In 2022, bestselling Christian author and speaker Jennie Allen was at a low point, not quite sure what the next phase of her ministry should be. As good friends do, one reached out and prayed a prayer over Allen, asking that God would come to her in a...
10 Responses
We are moving forward and we who seek the WORD of the Lord will have Peace, knowing we have the assurance of Jesus with us, fear is wide spread, I have been Praying for Peace as we so need it, I myself am confident to face whatever comes my way, through Jesus all things are acomplished, the Sword to Scepter is an amazing book really enjoying reading it. God Bless Wanda.
Amen and amen. The whole earth is full of His glory!
Amen and again I say AMEN. Let His will be done. Indeed all things work for the good of those who love Him.
Thank you for sharing this confirming and encouraging word from Him. He said at the end of the age, His Angels would separate wheat and tares. That process is now beginning.
Excellent Wanda,
It is a stripping but in a good way.
What a RIOT.
Praise the I AM
Yes! These words are so timely, and right in line with what I hear the Lord speaking. This is a word He gave me yesterday while several of us were in prayer for the corona virus situation at the Nevada House of Prayer in Reno. March 16, 2020
I’m calling my bride to come away with me for one month. The social distancing that is being called for is a reflection of what I’m calling forth for my bride for the next month. Set aside this coming month, March 16 – April 16th as a time to come into the bridal chamber and isolate yourself with Me, My beloved. This is the month of Passover. As the Angel of Death passed over all who would sequester themselves in their homes and put the blood of a lamb on the door posts and lintel, so I’m calling you to sequester yourself with Me until the Passover feast has ended (sundown on April 16th). If you will do this, you will come forth in the fullness and maturity of all that I intend for you. As the Israelites left Egypt the next morning and headed into the desert, so when you come out from this sequestering the world will be a different place than you have known before. As the Israelites walked out of the known into the unknown, so will you go forth. But they did not go forth empty handed. As the Egyptians sent the Israelites out with untold riches, gold and silver because of the favor God had given them, so the Lord is saying to his bride, come and plunder Me. Take all that I have. I freely give you the riches of My Kingdom for your adornment and the wealth of My Spirit to carry out all that I have ordained for you to do upon the earth in the coming days. When you leave my chamber you will walk in the fullness of the seven fold Spirit of God. You are the middle lamp in the menorah, the one through whom My Spirit flows, carrying the oil of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord! In this new world you will be the light on the hill that cannot be hidden! The world will need you as never before. You must be prepared to meet that need! You will be My glory carriers!
*Exodus 12
Interesting that PASSOVER is coming up.
We are connected to an earlier event in Egypt that actually happened.
And we are called to re-enact it albeit with good reason because of Wuhan virus.
Praise the I AM and his timing.
Awesome word, Pam! Thanks for sharing:-)
We also need to be praying that the despicable works of the evil ones, who abuse, sacrifice/ murder innocent children for their satanic rituals will be made known and justice will prevail.