Update from the Windy City | Glory Waves

I had the best time filming in Chicago! Thank you so much for your prayers. God answered!

Everyone was lovely to work with. We covered many intriguing questions over multiple hours and the recording was smooth and fun. Over the last couple of weeks, the producer interviewed approximately 30 experts from all walks of life. His vision is to help people understand that dreams are valid and valuable and show us why we want to pay attention to them and receive the powerful gifts available through them.

Half of the experts are doctors – psychologists, counselors, and neuroscientists. The other half were the “religious experts.” This included shamans, psychics, mediums, and me! What an honor to be among them and share not only God’s heart on dreams, but most of all His extravagant love and compassion for His precious dreamers.

I came onboard as the biblical expert and shared many Scriptures, exploring where dreams come from and why we even have them. I explained that dreams are God’s contingency plan, ensuring He would always have a way to connect with us.

In the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, God didn’t create soldiers for an army. He didn’t create employees for a corporation. He created children for a family. God’s original desire and intention was to be in relationship with us, have intimate communion with us, and to share walks in the cool of the day together.

We talked about how dreams are a form of meditation that move truth from our head to our heart, and the key questions to ask that unlock the meaning of our dreams. We also covered some of the reasons why God speaks in symbols while we sleep, and how pictures are the most powerful language of all.

It was a very honoring atmosphere. I had the opportunity to share many stories from the Bible illustrating how God used dreams, and explained that everything He did in Scripture through dreams, He wants to do in our lives as well. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and that’s what makes going to sleep so exciting! Who knows what kind of revelation and insight and direction we will receive from our loving heavenly Father through our dreams?

Thank you so much for your powerful prayers this past week, and I invite you to continue to lift up this entire project. It is a big undertaking, a 12-part documentary series, and the next steps will be overseeing editing of all the footage and then distribution. I’m believing this process will flow with a supernatural ease and grace from God as His story dramatically unfolds. Thank you for praying for the gifted producer, Dave, and this amazing project that has been put in his heart to share with the world.

The goal is to release the documentary on places like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu and I’m praying for supernatural favor, divine connections and open doors for every platform God wants this message on. It will be exciting to see all He will do with this series to help His beloved children realize He is speaking to them, He is their Wonderful Counselor, and He’s never once left them alone. So much potential. So much wisdom and direction to give. So much love and encouragement to share.

Thank you again for your prophetic prayers of blessing, and we’ll definitely let you know when and where it’s available for online streaming next year!

‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says,
‘That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind.
And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
And your young men will see visions,
And your old men will have dreams.’
(Acts 2:17)

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