Victory Comes From The Lord

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We have all had days of defeat and despair. Days when it seemed like nothing went your way and everyone was against you. In days like those, look to the Lord for your victory.

But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. Psalms 3:3

David wrote this third Psalm regarding the time he fled from his son, Absalom. Behind David’s back, Absalom decided to overthrow his father David, and become king.

His son began to close in on Jerusalem. So David decided to flee from the palace. By doing that he felt he could divert disaster from the city and his family.

Things were not going well for David at all. Absalom had won the hearts of many of the people in the kingdom. David began this Psalm by crying out to the Lord.

O Lord, I have so many enemies; so many are against me. So many are saying, “God will never rescue him!” Psalm 3:1-2

Check out this related post called The King David And Absalom Story.

I’m sure you’ve had one of those days. It seemed like everyone and everything stood against you. Then this little voice whispered (or maybe shouted) in your ear.

It added to your stress by suggesting the worst possible scenarios. You looked toward heaven wondering if God was even there. Then thoughts overtook your mind with;

“God doesn’t care about you.” “You brought all of this onto yourself.” “It’s all your fault.” At that point, you could definitely relate to what David said.

David, however, never stayed in the “Oh me – Oh my” mode. He knew his victory only came from the Lord. Therefore, he immediately turned to God.

I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain. Interlude Psalm 3:4

Selah, Pause, and Calmly Think of That

Victory in The Lord

But wait! David added an interesting word at the end of verses 2 and 4. The word is “Interlude” or some versions use the word “Selah”.

It’s a musical term that scholars believe references a pause or silence. The Amplified Bible adds this phrase after the word Selah, “[pause, and calmly think of that]!”

Imagine how David must have felt as his son turned against him. Then he heard from “so many” who said that God would never rescue him.

Finally saying to himself, “David, stop! and take a breath …” Then after he got his composure, he settled down and trusted the Lord for the victory.

Lord, you are a shield around me; you are my glory, you are the one who holds my head high.” Psalm 3:3

Too many Christians today may cry out to the Lord but don’t believe that He will intervene. Oh, they strongly believe that He can rescue others, but not them. 

David on the other hand knew the Lord would give him victory. After he heard from the Lord in verse 4, he again paused almost like putting his mind at ease. Then he said;

I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side. Psalm 3:5-6

David stopped listening to what “so many” said. Plus he stopped allowing the voice in his head from discouraging him. He rested on the fact that his victory came from the Lord.

Our surroundings can sometimes overwhelm us and our adversaries seemingly overtake us. To say, do as David did by giving it all to the Lord is often easier said than done.

Trust the Lord for the Victory

Lord gives victory

Keep in mind though, that David started this conversation on a negative note. But he didn’t keep it there and neither should we. Twice he said, pause, and calmly think of that.

He took some time to reflect on when the Lord gave him victory after victory. We must apply the same strategy too because the Lord wants you to have the victory also.

David then ended this Psalm the same way we must allow every situation in our lives to end. When you read this verse take notice of his last word on this subject.

Victory comes from you, O Lord. May you bless your people. Interlude Psalm 3:6

Victory for us also comes from the Lord and we too, like David, can hold our heads up high!

So, before you face another problem or for that matter before you do another thing, look to the Lord. Then pause, and calmly think of the victory He will give you today!

Lord, help us to stop listening to what “so many” often say to us. We want to keep our focus on what you are saying to us and doing for us.

Check out these related posts on the Victory of God.

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