What Is The Point Of Church? - Raising Zion

What’s the point of church if it isn’t preparing you for life eternal? Church can make or break you. It isn’t a place for the know-it-all’s and the self-righteous. It’s a place for sinners to be set free, and stay free. It is for those who are willing to live each day with the understanding that you are broken and it will take all your life, till Jesus perfects you and takes you away.

Not everyone is a Christian. What kind of Christian you are matters. Who you are and how you are matters. God first, requires a specific lifestyle. We cannot ignore anymore.

Do you attend Church OR the Presence of the Almighty God

It’s easy to attend church regularly. Terrible to not gain anything for practical living. You can be a worship leader, pastor, prophet or whatever, but you ain’t doing it right if you ain’t hearing His voice, know by God, and following Him. I am yet to meet any believer who says, I was in His presence; nothing happened! Guess what? I never will because NO ONE can ever experience the Almighty presence of God and stay unchanged.

Why do you hear the word of God?

Does your life elicit a response to grow akin to those who hear the word and desire to know Jesus daily? (Acts 2:37)

3 reasons to understand the point of church

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Psalms 16:11)

Are you receiving 3 basic human needs in the presence of God?

  1. God will reveal to you the path of life
  2. You will receive the fullness of His Joy
  3. You will have entered into a Hope of His pleasures forevermore

Ask God. Seek spiritual guidance from Godly saints. Be intentional about fellowship. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.

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