Dear God,

I find it thrilling how you edit my schedule anytime You feel it’s time to. How you make me remove and add things. How you just make me relax.

People would actually think it’s cliche, I mean it’s the norm. They’ll be like it happens with everyone. Everyone knows God, and stuff like that.

Everytime I feel different, there are times I feel like I’m the only one in the world whenever we converse. It’s actually expected, because his love is new every morning.

It’s normal for anyone to do something wrong,and act like they’re carrying the sins of the whole world on their shoulders. And they walk around hanging the invisible sinner tag on their necks. They’ll feel like God has deserted them since He’s not a fan of sins and bad conducts.

Even when you feel like you’ve been deserted, it’s not true. You fill your mind with that because that’s what you expect. Jesus already paid for your sins. You’d think it’s insane for God not to leave you despite what you’ve done, but isn’t that why the wisdom of God can be foolishness to us? Sometimes, you don’t have to understand or force yourself to understand God. Understanding and wisdom comes from God. It’ll come to you when it’s time.

But, what’s normal to anyone is not normal to me. Maybe it’s pride, maybe I’m just elated, knowing what I’ve got and what’s got me. We all sin, we’re all imperfect people. Some feelings come, even when you don’t want ’em to. You feel nauseous, unhappy and feel it’s actually legal to hate some persons. You know it isn’t right, and you want it out as soon as possible, but no matter how hard you try, you find yourself giving room to such feelings. What you have to do is to key into what you already have. The fruits of the Spirit! You have these fruits according to Galatians 5:22, so proclaim it and live it.

You have peace, why are you unsettled?

You have love, why hate?

You have joy, don’t let things you see physically make you unhappy.

I believe in Galatians 5:22, you should too. We all have these feelings when we’re unfocused on God, when we’ve taken our eyes off God and put on the problems of the world.

Trust me, it’s not easy to LET GO, and LET GOD. We just have to do so. It’s just what would make sense at the end of everything.

God loves you.

I love you.

Joy C. Uchenaya

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