The tongue, that fiery rudder
By Elizabeth Prata Satan convinced a third of the angels to follow him and not God. How? He spoke. His tongue seemed like it was a quicksilver miracle speaking truth and beauty. But it was actually…
By Elizabeth Prata Satan convinced a third of the angels to follow him and not God. How? He spoke. His tongue seemed like it was a quicksilver miracle speaking truth and beauty. But it was actually…
Ways to beat Stress Beat Stress 2 Control your environment There are so many things adding to your stress that you have no control over. Figure out what you can control and control those things. Do…
Your emotions are directly connected to your internal organs. Know about the effects of negative emotions before you harm your health and die young.
Do you struggle with food? Obsessing over it? Eating too much of it? Worrying about it? Read this book and let Aheritah Ciuciu help you find freedom.
What we say matters, because words are powerful. Our words can make someone’s day, or ruin it. That's why you must be intentional and choose to use your words for good. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa Words have energy and power with the
Speak Clearly and Softly… 1 Corinthians 14:9 So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear how will it be known what is spoken? It’s all about communication. Y…
Matthew 12:34 … For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. “Where are those thoughts and words coming from? I never in my life would have thought you could’ve said such th…
(Lessons from Abigail– number 8) Let God do the ‘Getting Even’ for you!! “ And it came to pass about ten days after, that the LORD…