David Remained a Man After God's Own Heart (Except that time...) - Ron Edmondson

In response to David being a man after God’s own heart, I’ve heard people say, “Yea, but that was said before the Bathsheba incident.” I’ve heard people write off his witness after that period of failure in David’s life.  It is true that David failed…he failed big time, but I don’t believe that David’s heart really ever changed. I think he died with the same passion with which he lived.  I think he had a heart that desired to please and honor God even after the Bathsheba incident.

Consider this passage:

Nevertheless, for David’s sake the LORD his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising up a son to succeed him and by making Jerusalem strong. For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and had not failed to keep any of the LORD’s commands all the days of his life—except in the case of Uriah the Hittite. 1 Kings 15:4-5 NIV  (Emphasis mine)

Do you see that?  After David’s life had ended, God’s word still records him as a man following after God’s own heart…except in the case of the fall with Bathsheba.

What’s my point?  How does that impact your life?

That one “except” in your life….that one moment…that one season…that period of indiscretion…does not disqualify you from being a man (or woman) after God’s own heart.  I know too many people who have disqualified themselves from God’s call on their life because of their past mistakes, but I’m not sure God has disqualified them.

Bottom line:  Your actions don’t determine your standing with God; your heart does. Actions indicate a heart’s direction, so if there is repetitive, unrepentant sin in your life, one would have to question your heart, but if your heart desires to be like Christ and give Him glory with your life, don’t beat yourself up for your exceptions.  Keep in mind, people can say about you whatever they choose to, but no one knows your heart (other than God) like you do.

Focus your life from this day forward on being like Christ and being found faithful.

Have you had a hard time letting go of your past and accepting God’s grace in your life?

What/Who is holding you back from doing so today?

For previous posts on David being a man after God’s own heart, click HERE and HERE.

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