Black and White


One of my love languages is giving, and since I recently added a new board to my Pinterest:


… I’ve decided to have a “BLACK AND WHITE” GIVEAWAY!

I know that there are a lot of gray areas in life, but I LOVE black and white, so I’m “pinning” like crazy.  You can see what I’ve been up to here:

Black and white

Here’s a few of the ways I use black and white:

Collagesblack and white

Even my dog is black and white!


Here’s what the winner will receive:

2-My Photo Stream4

l.)   Ink jet printer transfer on a  flour sack dish towel (I’ve always wanted to try this–now you’re the guinea pig!)

2.)  Framed print  (Who knew Winnie the Poo could be so romantic?!  This is one way I play around with fonts.)

3.)  Egg crate flower (You can see a pic of mine on my chalkboard from the post,

4.)  Chalk board tags  (These are great for labeling a gift bag or just about anything!  I use mine to label our treat jar, mason jars and gifts!  Just erase the chalk and re-use.))

5.) Black and White candle (I love buying cheap candles and decorating them to match a theme!)

Several of these hand-made items were inspired by Pinterest, and a testimony to the fact that if I can do it, anybody can! :0)

5.)  PLUS!  I’m throwing in a really cute black and white print PHOTO ALBUM SET (2)


I can’t post about black and white without sharing some areas that I don’t see any shade of gray:

1.) MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: He is Number One and because “nothing can separate us from His love”, I know I can trust Him with my life. John 3:16
2.) MY MARRIAGE: I ADORE my husband. Divorce is not an option, therefore we work to keep our marriage God-honoring.
3.) TRUTH: There are absolute truths! They’re found in God’s Word, The Bible. It’s absolutely true. Relevant. Life-changing. 2 Timothy 3:16
4.) MY FAMILY: I am blessed. God answered a little girls prayer. “Please, God, just let me know what it’s like to be a wife and a mom!”
5.) GRANDCHILDREN: They change your life. I thought my heart would burst when I looked into the faces of my babies. It did when I had grandbabies!
6.) FUTURE: We are not guaranteed tomorrow… but we can be guaranteed of eternity. I John 5:1

To enter the giveaway, leave a  comment on this page about something black and white in your life!  For an extra entries, just “like” the post on the Facebook page, find and click on one of my videos from past posts, or read a previous post–then come back and leave a comment.  Winner will be announced MAY 1st!

black and white signature

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