Five Minute Friday - Why I LOVE to Abandon in Dance - Growing Through God's Word

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This is the 5 minute challenge from Five Minute Friday. Write for only 5 minutes – no editing.

5 – 4 – 3 – 2 -1 GO

I have always loved to move to music. Being a gangling child – legs too far away from my body, and skinny, and 5 foot 10 at the age of 12 – I was very uncoordinated. As I aged my balance grew better, and my confidence increased. Now, of course, as I am even older, I don’t care what other people think. I dance when I am able to.

I dance like no one is watching (actually like only God is watching).

Dance Like No One is Watching

In church we were told to sit still, don’t bounce, don’t move except for your mouth to sing. I realize now that was very foreign to me. I love to move – my hands, my arms and my feet. Thankfully now others realize that there are some of us that are born that way and are more accepting of movement in church.

I have always loved the passage about David dancing. That made me very joyful. And if David could dance so could I.

Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the LORD with all his might (2 Samuel 6:14, NIV).

You see how David danced – with total abandon. That’s what I like. Just feel the music and move. 2Sam6:14 (tweet this)

About 5 years ago when we decided to winter in Arizona I noticed a sign up for tap dance. I said to myself – I would love to do that!! I joined this wonderful group, learned to tap and continue to do so 3 times a week for one and one-half hours (minus the talking). I LOVE it. My body feels stronger, my balance is great, and it is now called TAPERCIZE, as we don’t put on a show any longer. We just dance for the fun of it.

And all I do is onto the Lord. If I dance, I enjoy my life thoroughly and thank Him that I can dance.(tweet this)

Time’s up.

Do you like to dance? Join us at Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday. Escape for a few minutes and write. If you don’t blog, write in the comments below. I would love to hear your experience with dancing.



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