The Holy City, New Jerusalem, with Quotes from Watchman Nee’s Book The Glorious Church

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We have had a long series of posts which include quotes from The Glorious Church* by Watchman Nee. The quotes are all from chapter 5, titled The Holy City, New Jerusalem. The sequence of the posts follows the order of the selected quotes. Here is the title and a brief highlight from each post with a link to the post.

New Jerusalem


The Glorious Church: this is an introduction to the book and to this series of posts.

The first group of posts focus on Revelation 17–19:

New Jerusalem in Genesis and Revelation: what is presented at the beginning of Genesis is closely related to New Jerusalem in Revelation.

On a Mountain in Resurrection to See New Jerusalem: we need to be carried away in spirit onto a mountain to see New Jerusalem.

Babylon and New Jerusalem—A Huge Contrast: Revelation 17–18 compared to chapters 21–22.

God has Judged Babylon; Say Hallelujah: Revelation 19 begins with praise for the destruction of Babylon in chapter 18.

The Lamb’s Wife has Made Herself Ready: the initial readiness is in Revelation 19; the full readiness in chapter 21.

Hallelujah! The Lord our God the Almighty Reigns: a praise for the Lord’s victory.

The Marriage of the Lamb has Come, and His Wife has Made Herself Ready: there is rejoicing in heaven for the destruction of Babylon, for the reign of God, and for the marriage of the Lamb.

Two Garments Prepare the Bride: the Scriptures reveal that Christians need two garments.

The Fine Linen Garment is the Righteousnesses of Christ Lived Out through Us: loving the Lord and living in spirit are crucial for bringing forth the second garment, the fine linen garment.

These posts are centered on Revelation 21:2-11:

The Preparation and Presentation of the Bride: In Revelation 21:2 the prepared bride is seen; the preparation requires the Lord’s perfecting us and our cooperation with Him.

God’s Blessing to Us: “All Things New”: the new creation appears with “all things new.”

God Will Accomplish What He Plans: God accomplishes everything that He purposed.

Up the Mountain to See the Vision: we need some spiritual climbing to see the heavenly vision.

The Bride, the Wife, the Holy City New Jerusalem: New Jerusalem as the bride, the wife, of the Lamb Jesus Christ is perhaps the strongest indicator that New Jerusalem is not a physical city.

New Jerusalem Coming Out of Heaven from God: New Jerusalem is heavenly but it is on earth.

New Jerusalem is the Holy City: The city has God’s holiness saturating all God’s people.

The Light of New Jerusalem is like a Jasper Stone: the city, shining like jasper, expresses God

This group of posts covers Revelation 21:12-18:

New Jerusalem includes All God’s OT and NT People: this is shown by the names of the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles.

New Jerusalem has a Great and High Wall (1), (2): the wall separates and makes a distinction between what is inside and what is outside the city.

Jesus Christ is Our Entrance into New Jerusalem: Jesus Christ fulfilled the law’s requirements.

The Trinity Brings People into New Jerusalem: three gates on each side signifies that the three of the Trinity work together to bring people into the holy city.

New Jerusalem Conforms to God’s Golden Standard: and it is measured with a golden reed.

New Jerusalem’s Golden Measurement: the city is a cube, the eternal holy of holies.

The Wall of New Jerusalem: the wall and everything within it is fully in resurrection.

Twelves — Eternal Perfection of New Jerusalem: three, the Triune God is mingled with four, man.

The Wall has God’s Image and Separates Us to Him: God on the throne and the wall are as jasper.

New Jerusalem is Pure Gold, God’s Nature (1), (2): and we became partakers of the divine nature.

Our present experiences are related to New Jerusalem

The Removing of Self to become Pure Gold (1), (2): we need the removal of things not of God.

Sufferings and Transformation for New Jerusalem (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7): sufferings deliver us from the fallen, natural man so we can be transformed into precious stones by the Spirit.

Watchman Nee’s Life and Sufferings: what he wrote about sufferings for transformation was not theoretical; it was his experience.

Endurance and Long-Suffering with Joy: believers encouraged with joy of the Spirit.

Posts emphasizing Revelation 21:18-24

The Pearl Gates of New Jerusalem: the death and resurrection of Jesus produced these gates.

Three Materials in God’s Eternal Purpose: God’s nature, Christ’s life, and the Spirit’s transformation are the only three materials of New Jerusalem.

Silver Today, Pearl in New Jerusalem: today we need the silver: redemption and forgiveness.

The Street of New Jerusalem for Eternal Fellowship: God called us into the fellowship of His Son.

The Transparency of New Jerusalem: the city is transparent because of God’s golden nature.

The Lord God and the Lamb are the Temple: our fellowship with God is in spirit.

Learn to Live in the Holy of Holies Today: Hebrews 4:16 calls us to come forward today.

We See God in the Lamb, Christ Jesus: Christ brings God to us and us to God; in Him we see God.

The Glory of God Illuminates New Jerusalem: no natural light, no man-made light, only the glory.

The Light on the Nations around New Jerusalem: the nations walk by the light of New Jerusalem.

Day and Night on Earth; No Night in New Jerusalem: the post title is main point.

These posts bring us to Revelation 22:1-5:

The River of Life and the Tree of Life: the river and the tree are in the city, the Paradise of God.

Call on the Name of the Lord to Drink the Spirit: the Spirit is the river of water of life.

The Tree of Life: Christ is our Eternal Life Supply: this brings forth and sustains New Jerusalem.

The Freshness of Christ Today as Portrayed by the Tree of Life in New Jerusalem: we should always be seeking fresh and varied experiences of Christ, not living in our past Christian life.

The Leaves of the Tree are for the Nations: the living of Jesus guides the living of the nations.

We Move on the Street with the River and the Tree (1), (2): when we live Christ we are on the golden street with the flow of life.

In the New Creation There Will no Longer be a Curse: the curse (everything from Genesis 3) will be concluded in Revelation 20.

Enjoy and Serve the Triune God in New Jerusalem: God is One and He is Triune.

Serve God in Fellowship While Seeing His Face: our work for the Lord must be led by fellowship.

The Lord God will Shine upon us in New Jerusalem: Jesus is our light of life for our walk today.

A conclusion:

The Fulfillment of God’s Eternal Purpose (1), (2), (3): God’s intention in Genesis was that man would have dominion over the earth; this is fulfilled in Revelation 21–22.

Our Consecration for God’s Eternal Purpose: our hope is that God would give us a vision of His purpose; if we have seen it, we will give our whole being to it.

* Published and © by Living Stream Ministry, available at and


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