Online disciples: How to evangelize using social media

Social media has become essential to our lives in the current digital era. It has come to the point that it is now a powerful tool for sharing information, promoting businesses, and connecting with people from different parts of the world. For Christians, you can also use social media as a tool for evangelism. This article will explore how to evangelize using social media and reach out to people with the message of God’s love. Whether you are a seasoned evangelist or someone new to the idea of using social media for evangelism, this article will provide practical tips and strategies that you can use to make an impact in the digital space.

A woman taking a video of herself to evangelize using social media.
A woman taking a video of herself to evangelize using social media. (Photo by George Milton from Pexels)

Benefits of Social Media Evangelism

The method of communication and global connections have transformed due to the impact of social media. It has transformed how people interact as social media provides an easy and accessible way to reach a vast audience. This is regardless of geographical location. It also allows for instant communication and engagement with individuals and communities.

Best For Christ reported that there are over a billion social media users worldwide. These users use these platforms every second of every day. However, many churches and ministry workers either do not recognize or are worried about the opportunities these social media platforms offer to spread the Word of God and connect with their target audience.

Jesus instructed his disciples to share the gospel. Social media apps such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can help Christians spread the gospel’s message. By utilizing these platforms, Christians can build an online community. You can also distribute relevant information, preach the Word of God, and help others strengthen their faith.

Some churches, ministries, and missionaries use social media to strengthen their communities and reach out to non-Christians. They use platforms like blogs, websites, and Facebook pages to share the gospel. They post motivational quotes, Bible verses, music, and faith-related articles. These messages can be powerful and reach people who need encouragement or seek guidance. However, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of social media. That said, you need to plan how to effectively use it to grow and engage with the community.

According to Best For Christ, posting irrelevant content on social media is ineffective. People are attracted to genuine content that provides hope and inspiration. That said, investing time, possessing good communication skills, and remaining committed is necessary.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Christians are encouraged to comfort and edify each other. Therefore, churches, ministries, and individual missionaries must adapt to the rapidly changing world. To do so, they must utilize social media to remain relevant, maintain contact, and spread the gospel to Christians and non-Christians.

A women's Bible study group holding an online meeting.
(Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels)

Here are several ways you can evangelize using social media:

Share Evangelism Videos

Best For Christ stated that sharing videos is a popular way to spread the gospel online. This is because many prefer watching videos on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, rather than reading. Videos are also highly engaging and easily shareable on social media.

And so, Be In Not Of recommended sharing videos from preachers who post sermon clips on social media. This is because pastors and ministers are often able to communicate a point and provide a clearer understanding of the nature of God. They do so in a way others may not be able to do.

Translate the Gospel

The HuffPost stated that simply listing documents online does not spread the gospel. Rather, it creates an electronic filing system. While this may be useful for academic purposes, it does not fulfill the command to teach all nations. That said, one way on how to evangelize using social media is for you to translate church teachings into popular language. By transform the Word into something that is easily understood by the general public, you can help effectively spread the gospel.

Certain phrases used in church language may create barriers to communication. For instance, “intrinsically evil” is more appropriate for a theology paper than for everyday human discourse. Using language that emphasizes the distance between priests and people, such as “presbyterate,” can also be unhelpful. Instead, it is more effective to speak in terms of “our priests” which is warmer and more inclusive.

A woman watching a preacher's sermon on YouTube while taking notes.
(Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

Post Photos

Be In Not Of suggested posting aesthetically pleasing images with the Word of God as a way on how to evangelize using social media. This can help people see the beauty of the Creator.

Similarly, the HuffPost recommended sharing pictures of events held in local churches or on mission fields on social media platforms like Facebook. Doing so helps you to combat negative perceptions of the church. Sharing experiences of volunteering at aid organizations and encouraging others to get involved can also help show that the church cares about everything God has created.

Share Your Christian Journey

According to Best For Christ, Christians should share their successes and joys. However, they should also share their struggles and how they have overcome them with the help of God.

Be In Not Of stated that it is important for you to show others that even though you have Jesus, your life is not always perfect. You face challenges just like everyone else. By being honest about your imperfections and sharing how God has helped you, you can demonstrate His power and the transformative effect of His love.

Remember that it is important not to create a false image of perfect Christians. Doing so may alienate those who are struggling and need to see that God accepts and loves them as they are.

Social media apps installed on a smartphone.
(Photo by Sanket Mishra from Pexels)

Share Your Hardships

Often, people may feel the need to keep our hardships and burdens to themselves. They think that they should handle them on their own. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles.

According to the Christian Index, sharing your experiences with someone who is also going through a difficult time can be a source of encouragement and support. It allows you to connect with others in a deeper and more meaningful way. And it also helps you to be an example of Christ’s compassion.

By reaching out and sharing your struggles, you are showing others that they are not alone. Your story shows that there is hope even in the midst of difficulties. And so, do not hesitate to share your burdens with another and be the light of Christ to those around you.

Spread Positivity Rather than Negativity

Focusing on life’s negativities can often lead you to complain and express your frustrations online. However, it’s time to stop adding to the chorus of negativity. Instead, Be In Not Of stated that you should remind yourself and others that you are united under Christ. Your identity is not based on your earthly connections but on your relationship with Him.

By spreading love and joy, you can make a positive impact. Stand out from the crowd of complaints and disappointment on social media.

Additionally, the HuffPost stated that by sharing the enjoyable aspects of Christianity, such as meaningful devotions and favorite hymns, you can help convey the warmth and down-to-earth nature of your faith.

Posted photos on an Instagram feed,
(Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels)

Offer Your Resources

According to the Digital Church Blog, the church has a responsibility to cater to the various needs of the community, not just their spiritual ones. And so, another way on how to evangelize using social media is by using different platforms to help people transform their lives holistically. To achieve this, your church can offer online classes on financial literacy, host self-development workshops, and create online support groups that are open to both local and online communities.

To reach a wider audience, your church can promote these initiatives using social media platforms like Facebook or Google Ads. It’s a reflection of what Jesus often did – meeting the needs of people before presenting the gospel. By meeting people’s needs, your church can attract more interest and create a positive impact on its community.

Pray and Give Praise

The Christian Index stated that one of the most effective ways to engage with others evangelistically is to first show genuine care and interest in their lives. One simple yet powerful way to do this is to ask, “How can I pray for you?” This shows that you care and that you want God to work in their lives.

Celebrating with others is also a great way to engage in social media evangelism. When someone experiences a milestone or achievement, take the time to acknowledge it. Show genuine excitement for them. In doing so, you are building a relationship based on mutual support and encouragement. This can be a powerful tool for sharing the love of Christ.

As Romans 12:15-16 stated, you should rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. In this way, you live in harmony with one another. By doing so, you create a safe and welcoming environment where people can experience the love and compassion of Christ through your actions.

A man sharing the Word of God through a friend online.
(Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels)

Be Social in Social Media

According to the HuffPost, you need to recognize that social media is a platform for socializing and interacting with others. Think of it like attending a party. It is not a place where you make statements without allowing others to respond. To truly engage on social media, you must be willing to listen and converse with others. Show appreciation to those who watch your worship services. Or, you can engage with your content during the week by thanking them or replying to their comments. You can also use direct messages to connect with new followers and invite them to learn more about your ministry or become members.

While it may be necessary to use the delete button on occasion for inappropriate comments, try to engage in respectful dialogue whenever possible. Moreover, don’t be afraid to walk away from negative or toxic situations. However, do so thoughtfully and respectfully.

Less is More

While it’s important to maintain the integrity of your message, you also need to find innovative ways to convey it. According to the Digital Church Blog, one way to do this is by making your message portable and easily accessible through social media platforms that people can access on their devices. Portability means making content smaller and easily digestible, so brevity is key.

Short sermon clips and promotional videos, typically under two minutes and 30 seconds, respectively, tend to receive more views because the algorithm favors them. The algorithm determines who sees your content, so it’s important to create content that catches the viewer’s attention and engages them to stop and interact with your message.

A woman filming a short message about her Christian faith.
(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

Social media has become an essential tool for evangelism in the 21st century. It is a platform that offers a great opportunity to connect with people from all over the world and share the love of Jesus Christ. However, it is essential to understand that the approach to evangelism on social media should be different from traditional methods. By using the tips this article has discussed, you can make a significant impact on people’s lives. That said, use social media as a tool for good, spreading the good news of salvation to all who are willing to hear it.

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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.