Why you only need validation from God

People crave seeks for acceptance from people, but we only need God’s validation. (Photo taken by Kobe from Pexels website)

On social media, people crave likes and followers. I feel good whenever people would like my post and follow me. Yet, I feel disappointed and discouraged when I only get a few likes. 

Have you ever felt that way? When does it feel like validation from others became the most essential part of your life? 

Who would not feel good if you had many followers and you were always trending on social media?

In this generation, most young people do everything to seek validation from the world. Sadly, some young ladies would post nude photos, sexy dancing, and so on.

They do these things for boys to like and follow them on YouTube, TikTok, and other social media accounts. 

Moreover, insecurities increase because of seeking validation from others. You may not feel good about yourself when you only get a few likes.

Even though you are doing well in your studies and careers, you always think you need to improve.

The more you seek validation from people, the more you will lose yourself and what God has intended you to be.

If you are focusing on getting appreciation from others, you will try to do everything to please them. You will get tired because people will always ask for more.

What is validation?

Everything a man does is to look for validation

Validation means to give official sanction, confirmation, or approval on something. Humans are shaped to want assurance. It is the feeling of being valued. 

However, the problem is that validation from people becomes the barometer of our worth and feelings. It kills your heart when you always try to please people or control situations. You stop believing that you are valuable in the world. 

Also, you will try to do everything for people, making you tired.

But, when we understand that we only need validation from God, it would make our lives easier to be happy. We would enjoy the freedom of doing His will without trying to please anybody or regardless if people will appreciate us or not.

So, instead of wasting your time seeking validation from people, spend it on seeking validation from God.

Here are some reasons why you only need validation from God.

Why You Only Need Validation from God

God’s love and acceptance is the primary key to knowing our value and validation. Our walk on believing that His validation is the most important thing we need brings freedom and renewed energy. 

God created you in his image

Man molds a vase or a jar just like how God molded us. (Photo taken by Korhan Erdol from Pexels website)

You are not a nobody because God did not just create you with something. He made you through His image. Seeking validation from others sometimes makes us forget who our creator is. 

You are God’s incredible masterpiece. 

Genesis 1:27 says that God created both male and female in His image. And verse 31 says God saw that all he had made was very good. 

God, your marvelous Creator, crafted you and delighted in what He had made. God was pleased to make every single part of you. So stop comparing your eyes, nose, and shape to others for them to accept you.

You have your unique kind of beauty.

In Psalms 139:14, David praises the Lord because he was fearfully and wonderfully made. He knows well that God’s works are wonderful. God created our innermost being. He knit us in our mother’s womb.

Remember that God created you in His image whenever you feel insecure and have difficulty accepting yourself. You are crafted beautifully and uniquely the way God wants you to be.

God has forgiven and saved you

God has given His beloved son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins for us to be forgiven. (Photo taken by Pixabay from Pexels website)

Sometimes, we are so careful about what we do because we are afraid of the judgments of other people. We fear the world will condemn us from telling the truth or following God. 

Ultimately, we will try to accept and do things to gain their validation even though it does not please God.

But, despite choosing to please the world instead of God, He still chose to sacrifice His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for you to be saved and forgiven. That’s how much He loves you. 

John 3:16 says because of God’s love, He sent His only beloved Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

No one could ever do what God has done for you. The people you are trying to please would not sacrifice their lives for your sake. 

We sometimes take God’s sacrifice for granted, so we still seek validation from the world. What God has given is more than what people could offer. It is beyond this life.

No matter your sin’s heavy, Jesus has forgiven and accepted you. He cleanses you to be called the sons and daughters of God.

God has a plan for you

God planned the best future for you just like the man planning. (Photo taken by Christina Morillo from Pexels website)

Why do you need validation from other people when they do not care about your future? 

God created you for nothing. While you are still in your mother’s womb, He already planned your future. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says God knows His plans for you. He intends you to be prosperous and not to give you harm. He plans to give you hope and a future. 

But, when we try to please the world or the people instead of God, we are directing our future to a different path. This direction of pleasing others could give us nothing but harm.

However, when we hold on to what God has planned for us, we will have an abundant life and hope for tomorrow.

Seeking acceptance from man could only destroy God’s excellent plan for you.

God appreciates you

God will reward all your hard work in pleasing Him. (Photo taken by Natalia Vaitkevich from Pexels website)

If you do your best all your life and no one appreciates you, it could drain you and make you unhappy.

But, the good thing about seeking God’s acceptance rather than the world is that all your labor would not be in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Every little thing you do to please God will be rewarded. The reward is more than what the world could offer. 

No one in the Bible who served the Lord has been forgotten. David became the King, Abraham became the father of all nations, Daniel was protected, and more. 

The reward is extraordinary when God appreciates those who do His will and please. It is beyond what we expect and can imagine. 

It would give you the satisfaction and validation the world could never provide.

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Jepryll Torremoro

I am God's daughter who wanted to proclaim His goodness through writing. I believe that I am called to write for His glory. I am a Pastor's wife and has been serving in the ministry since I was young. As a writer, I want to share how God sustains me in my motherhood and in my marriage. Also, I want to discover more about Jesus and how I could be more like Him. Writing has become a platform for me to strengthen my faith and at the same time share it to others. It is my passion to serve God through maximizing my gift in writing.