Why we need to be humble

A picture of a laptop and a notebook with written sayings. (Photo taken by Maddie Freddie from Pexels website)

What does the Bible mean about humility, and why must I be humble? 

Today’s world is full of self-entitled people, which means they think they are higher or better than anyone else. It is difficult for someone to learn when he thinks he knows everything.

Thus, humility allows God to discipline us and teach His ways for our good. Yet, let us first define what it means to be humble.

What is humility?

Humility is freedom from arrogance or pride, as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It means you are still willing to learn from others and be corrected by what you know.

On the other hand, from the biblical perspective, being humble is recognizing the reverence and sovereignty of the Lord.  

“Humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are riches, honor, and life.” – Proverbs 22:4

The Lord rewards humble people with abundance, respect, and life. There are many reasons why we need to humble ourselves before the Lord.

Why do I need to be humble?

Being humble does not mean being weak or passive but not allowing your ego to hinder you from appreciating what is best for you and others. 

Here are some of the factors why we need to be humble.

To be wise

A woman choosing what color of shoes. (Photo taken by Alexandria Maria from Pexels website)

They say that we need to unlearn before we learn. Being humble allows us to understand the things we did not know. God cannot teach those who are prideful and thinks that they know everything.

In addition, the core of humility is putting growth above ego. The Bible says in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Acknowledging God’s reverence is humility and accepting that we are not all-knowing. We can only understand things and make wise decisions if we will remove our pride and be teachable. 

Furthermore, God gives understanding to those people who are humble and lead them in making wise choices.

To be corrected

A man is correcting the work of the woman. (Photo taken by Jonathan Borba from Pexels website)

“The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master” – Matthew 10:24

We must be humble because we are not better than those who teach God’s word. They are called to correct and discipline God’s people, but only those willing to accept their mistakes will grow. 

Moreover, we are not better than God, so when He rebukes us for our actions and thinking, we would understand that He is correcting us because He does not want us harmed. 

We, humans, are not perfect, but some of us are entitled enough to think that there is nothing wrong with what we do. Some of us believe we are better than our teachers and pastors, so we do not listen to them but instead find more excuses to prove that they are correct.

If we are humble, we will positively take correction to become a better version of ourselves. So many people leave their churches because their pastor corrected their behavior. 

Instead of showing humility, they think their leaders do not have the right to intervene in their private lives

Allows God to take control

A man is holding a globe just like God taking control of the world. (Photo taken by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels website)

People with pride think they can resolve everything and themselves independently. As a result, it leads them to create more problems and worsen their situation. But, if you are humble, you will accept that not everything is in your hands. 

To be humble is to allow God to take control of your situation because you know that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than yours. 

The Lord says in Isaiah 55:8-9 that His thoughts are not our thoughts nor are His ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways and thoughts. 

Even so, sometimes, we think we are better than God. When I became a mom, I thought I could handle everything and provide everything for my home. I am so arrogant, and it only leads me to depression. 

Nevertheless, when I learned to humble myself before the Lord and accept that I am no better than Him, I could see Him working in my marriage and motherhood. 

To have better relationships

People holding each other’s hands. (Photo taken by Pixabay from Pexels website)

No one would ever want to be with someone arrogant and self-entitled. Those who are humble are the people whom you like to be with. Regardless of their achievements, they are willing to help and listen to others’ opinions. 

Also, humble people know how to respect people regardless of their status. If you are humble, you will not only have good connections with people around you but, most significantly, with God. 

Humble people know to be sensitive about others’ feelings. They are prudent about others and considerate about their well-being. They are not self-entitled to think that people owe them something; instead, they are willing to serve and help others cheerfully.

Thus, humility gives you peace of mind knowing you are not disrespecting anybody.

To be successful

Two women raising each other’s hands after graduation. (Photo taken by Garret Schappacher from Pexels website)

James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you.”

God is willing to lift you when you humble yourself before him and think that you are no better than anyone else. God will exalt you and make you successful when you are humble enough to accept that without Him, you are nothing.

In addition, we only live by God’s grace, and if you are humble, God is willing to give more grace and favor. James 4:6 says, “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

God’s favor would not only lead us to success in our careers if we feel stagnant or our marriage but also give us more than we expect. 

To avoid trouble

A woman with a post it note covering her mouth. (Photo taken by Aneta Lusina from Pexels website)

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” – Proverbs 16:18

If you are arrogant, you are close to trouble because you think you are better than everybody else. You are unwilling to listen and accept your mistakes, which could lead you to danger.

Being humble helps you avoid destruction and live with peace and love toward your friends and family.  

Those willing to accept corrections most likely avoid committing sins that could harm them. 

Besides, if you are humble, you will obey God’s command to avoid harm. God rewards those who obey His commands, and only humble people are willing and joyful to follow Him.

To imitate Jesus

Spelled name of Jesus.(Photo taken by Tara Winstead from Pexels website)

As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we must be humble because our Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect example of humility. He, sitting right beside His Father’s throne, came down here on earth, allowing people to persecute Him for us to be saved. 

Jesus Christ has all the right to be self-entitled, but He never did. In fact, in John 13:5, he even served his disciples. He poured water into a basin and started to wash their feet and wipe them with the towel wrapped around him. 

Therefore, who are we to be arrogant when the King of kings demonstrated the perfect kind of humility despite His sovereignty? 


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Jepryll Torremoro

I am God's daughter who wanted to proclaim His goodness through writing. I believe that I am called to write for His glory. I am a Pastor's wife and has been serving in the ministry since I was young. As a writer, I want to share how God sustains me in my motherhood and in my marriage. Also, I want to discover more about Jesus and how I could be more like Him. Writing has become a platform for me to strengthen my faith and at the same time share it to others. It is my passion to serve God through maximizing my gift in writing.