3 things people truly desire on earth - Raising Generation Zion

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We know why God was pleased with what King Solomon asked for himself at the beginning of his rule. 

We understand that God was also pleased with King Solomon because he DID NOT ASK for three things that man thinks he wants on earth for himself. 

1 Kings 3:11 helps us understand human psychology. 

What three things do people truly desire on earth?

  1. Long life
  2. Riches 
  3. Eliminate all enemies 

Why is this true? It is God’s word. Also, if you have lived long enough on earth, you would have seen and felt the same.

God is not pleased when we ask for the above three. 

Why does one desire a long life on this earth after knowing Christ? If you are to be the bride of Christ, you know you want to get out as soon as possible. You are earnestly waiting for His coming, not desiring to spend more “quality” time on earth. Of course, we are not seeking a shortcut out of this life, but in eager expectation of being with the one, we love forever.

Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of money is. Time and time again, the New Testament reminds us of the dangers of material wealth. (Matthew 6:24) (1 Timothy 6:6-10)

What’s the easy way out on earth? Destroy your competition. If only we all could come together in peace, some say. It’s possible only through Christ. But only believers understand this truth. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and pray for persecutors. True wisdom prays for the enemy’s and persecutors’ salvation, not just the people we love and care for us.

The more we read the word of God, the clearer we understand the world around us. We know ourselves better too. Life is exciting and interesting in Christ alone. Get ready. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.

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