A Change from Shadow to Reality

New JerusalemNew Jerusalem is a spiritual city, not a physical city. All the characteristics of New Jerusalem manifest the eternal life and the person of the Triune God.

Hebrews 8 has much about the Old Testament priesthood. Verse 5 says that they “serve the example and shadow of the heavenly things.” The physical tabernacle and temple in the Old Testament were merely shadows of the New Testament reality which culminates in New Jerusalem.

Hebrews 9 continues with the comparison of the OT picture and NT reality. Verses 11-12 tell us that “Christ, having come as a High Priest of the good things that have come into being, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not of this creation,…obtaining an eternal redemption.”

New Jerusalem is “greater” and it is “more perfect” than the OT buildings. In Hebrews 9:23 the OT tabernacle and temple are merely “examples” of the NT reality. God’s NT building is built by Christ operating in us. New Jerusalem is not a physical building; it is “not made by hands;” it is not of this old creation.

Posted by Don on August 14, 2024



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