A Spiritual House Call — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

How are you doing? 

I mean it … really … how are you doing

This is a house call. 

I have arrived on your doorstep to take your emotional and spiritual temperature today … I sincerely want to know how you are doing in light of the stay at home orders and the pandemic.

I truly want to know how your spirits are and if you wading in discouragement or even in depression. 

You see, I am fully aware that there is a more pervasive virus than COVID-19 and its name is depression. 

There is a wicked strain of a petulant virus known as anxiety.

You can e-mail me at carol@carolmcleodministries.com and let me know how you are. I have an entire team of women who will pray diligently for you and for your needs during this time. 

So … let me ask you again … how are you doing? 

I think that one thing that we can all admit is that all of this has been a lot

It’s been a lot of unknown … of fear … of anxiety … of questions … of intimidation. 

And for many of us, those emotions have ganged up in our souls and are bullying us even now. 

The virus … the deaths … the isolation … the economy … the masks … the unemployment rate … the wondering of what our new normal will look like. 

It’s OK to admit it, my friend. 

Sometimes you have to admit it in order to get past it.

Sometimes you have to name it in order to conquer it. 

Sometimes you have to acknowledge it in order to move on to something that will actually heal you.

If you choose to ignore anxiety or depression, they may actually grow exponentially into an unmanageable stronghold in your life. 

Like you, I have my days. 

I have moments of wondering what has happened to my formerly safe world. 

I have instances in which I wonder if I will ever see my grandchildren again … or get to have coffee with a friend again … or go to the grocery store again. 

Will I ever get to go to corporate worship again? 

Will I ever get to teach the Word face to face with thirsty women in a gathering place?

Will I?

I pray for those that are ill and for those who are also dealing with grief right now. 

I pray for moms who are homeschooling their children. 

I pray for those who have lost their jobs and their incomes.

I pray for the elderly who are all alone with little emotional support.

I pray.

As you all know, I am not a counselor but I consider myself an encourager.

If your fears are overwhelming you right now, I’d like to suggest that you make an appointment with a certified counselor. Many counselors are making appointments through Zoom or Facetime during these days of the pandemic.

If you are unable to sleep, eat or feel your heart racing out of control, you need to find a counselor who will help you manage your anxiety.

You can call your pastor and ask for a referral or you can click on the link below to find a Christian counselor in your area.


But since I am an encourager, let me take just a few minutes to encourage you as we all walk through these days of isolation and questions. 

As you know, I am no stranger to depression. It has been necessary for me to set up some practical safeguards in my life that enable me to continue to live with joy and peace regardless of my circumstances. 

This is my encouragement to you, today, in the middle of the pandemic:


I read the Bible every day. I have found great comfort and hope in the eternal and powerful words written on the sacred pages of Scripture. The Word of God is not a stagnant book but it holds the very breath of God. When I open my Bible, I am in the presence of the One who created me.

Would you recommit to read the Bible every day during this time? 

I listen to worship music all day long. I use Pandora, Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music to fill my home and my heart with songs. I listen to contemporary worship music and I listen to the great hymns of the faith. Worship music delivers an immutable joy to my life that absolutely nothing can remove. 

Would you recommit to worshipping every day during this time?

I pray for others. I have a prayer journal in which I write the names of those for whom I am praying.  When a prayer is answered, I write the date beside that person’s name.  I might not have the ability to spend time with my friends and family right now, but I can do something even better than that! I can pray for them! What power! What strength! What purpose!

Would you recommit to praying for others every day during this time?

And finally, I reach out to encourage someone every day.  It might be a text message or a sweet e-mail. If I have the money, I might send a floral arrangement or a gift card or a book. I have been calling people whom God has placed on my heart and have spent time giggling and reminiscing with those precious folks. As I focus on others, my discouragement quickly runs away.

Would you recommit to encouraging others every day during this time? 

We really would love to hear from you and to know how you are doing. Never hesitate to reach out with an e-mail or a phone call. 

We are a ministry and our heart’s desire is to minister to YOU!

You can call us at 855-569-5433 or by e-mailing me personally at carol@carolmcleodministries.com.

Know that I am praying for you today! We can do this because the One Who created us is still on the Throne!

Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning!” – Psalm 30:5

Thanks for listening to my heart this week.  As you know by now, my heart is truly not a perfect heart but it is a heart that is filled to overflowing with gratitude for the life I have been given and for the people who walk with me.  And, it continues to be a heart that is relentlessly chasing after God and all that He is! 


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