A Young Woman’s Spoken Word, Thanking Her Birth Mother - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries

I recently received an email from a precious young woman named Mayra. She writes, “I was adopted from Mexico, and when I received Christ, He helped me understand my root of rebellion. I felt rejected all my life. But He provided a healing that was unexplainable. …I was given your book Why ProLife?. This brought a new perspective towards my birth mother and so I wrote her a thank you letter in the form of ‘Spoken Word Poetry.’”

Mayra shared that one of her favorite verses is Ephesians 1:5: “He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”

I encourage you to take five minutes to watch Mayra share her poem:

Her video and story is a reminder that adoption is a courageous choice for a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy—one which will give life to a child and incredible joy to a family.

The pregnant teenager we took into our home previously had two abortions, but while with us gave birth and released her baby for adoption. It wasn’t easy, but this wonderful woman, years later, told me: “I look back at the three babies I no longer have, but with very different feelings. The two I aborted fill me with grief and regret. But when I think of the one I gave up for adoption, I’m filled with joy, because I know he’s being raised by a family that wanted him.”

The Christian community should make a concerted effort to overcome the negative spin on adoption. We should speak of it positively and show high regard for women who release their children for adoption. We should publicly honor adoptive parents and bless adopted children. We should make prominent the excellent resources on adoption and celebrate it in our churches.

Then women will be encouraged to realize adoption is a choice for which both they and their child will later be profoundly thankful.

Check out Hope for Orphans and Christian Alliance for Orphans for information on adoption as well as foster care.

photo credit: Hey you! via photopin (license)


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