All form, no substance. - Divorce Minister

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…having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

-2 Timothy 3:5, NIV

The Bible warned us about people who look outwardly like good “Christians” but lack the substance of being as such. In fact, the Bible teaches us these sort of people will increase as the days get short for the earth.

Many cheaters fit this category of form and no substance.

They may profane God’s name by invoking it to “justify” their wicked ways. However, they have not been transformed by the living God. Their hearts belong to this world and the Prince of Darkness.

Interestingly, we are instructed to not fellowship with such people.

It is a command. People who do fellowship with such substance-less “Christians” are sinning according to this command. At lease, that is how it appears here.

Honestly, my tolerance for religious BS has gone down for me over the years. I almost have a violent, allergic reaction to such sophistry and religious abuse “games.” Why would anyone want to fellowship with that?

Cheaters are not a new phenomenon. Nor are cheaters who profess Christian beliefs but live otherwise. It is not new, and such behavior may actually be increasing in these days.

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