Angel in Disguise on Turning Mountains into Molehills

As a Christian writer, I like to explore stories that will interest my readers. Through the years of writing and speaking to groups, I found many people interested in stories of encounters with angels. So, based on events in my life, I wrote this fictional piece. Someday, it might appear as part of a future book. But for now, I hope you enjoy this two-part story about an angel in disguise.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2

Angels in Disguise

Part One – Angels

The boarding area echoed with the chaos of many voices.  “I can’t wait to get going.” said one man.

“How much longer do we have to wait?” asked a young girl. 

“Stop fidgeting,” her mother replied.

“I don’t want to leave granny behind,” sobbed another child. “Who will take care of her while we are gone?”

“I’m scared,” said another man.

No matter the emotions, the din rose and retreated in waves. A woman clutched a baby and held the hand of a young boy as she stood by the window. A bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. Her eyes darted around the room but found nothing familiar. Finally, a voice crackled above as a hush fell over the group. “We will begin boarding shortly. Those who need help or are traveling with small children may board at this time,” the monotone voice said. Scratching and scraping drowned out the voices as people began to move. “Please form an orderly queue,” the gate agent reminded the group. Footsteps squeaked over the dirty floor. The travelers gathered their belongings and pushed forward.

The woman pulled on the boy’s arm as they moved towards the gate. His face flushed as a tear escaped down his cheek. “Tickets and passports please,” the gate agent said.

“Here,” came the only words as she handed them over. The woman also produced a large, brown envelope. “Do you need to see this too?” she asked.

“No, ma’am. You will need those papers when you land in Montreal. Then, when you get there, someone will direct you,” the agent added with a smile.

flight mountains flying vehicle

The small family labored up the steps up to the DC-10 for the twelve-hour flight to a new life. Susan dreamt of this new beginning since she was a little girl. During World War Two, a chance encounter during the Blitzkrieg in Belfast had planted the idea in her young mind. But for now, fear and excitement electrified her nerves as she found their seats on the plane. She offered a small smile of reassurance to her son, David, as she settled him into the seat. Then, setting the baby on a seat, Susan placed the carry-on bags above the seats. “Don’t worry, Maggie,” she whispered to the baby. “Daddy will be waiting for us when we land,” she cooed to the small girl.

Since Maggie was only one year old, she did not get her own seat. So Susan hoped the seat next to David would stay open so they could spread out. But just as they settled, a woman approached their row. “I think one of these is my seat,” she said.

“Oh, okay. Let me move the baby,” Susan said.

“What a cute baby. And, young man, are you helping to take care of your Mum?” she asked.

“Yes, I am,” said David.

“Wonderful. How old are you?” the lady asked.

“I am seven years old,” David said with a smile.

Speaking to Susan, the lady added. “You have a lovely family. Hi, my name is Patsy. Are you traveling alone?”

“Yes, I am meeting my husband in Canada. We’re immigrating to Canada. He moved there several months ago to prepare the place for us. Oh, and my name is Susan. And this is David and Maggie.”

“Are you looking forward to your new life?” Patsy asked.

“I have dreamt of moving to North America since I was a young girl, so I am looking forward. But, it is just hard leaving my parents and other family members behind. I don’t know when we will get back again to see them,” Susan said.

Soon, the plane began to move with a jerk. Susan glanced over her son’s head to peek outside. Gray dampness hung over the spring morning. The Cave Hill, beyond the city center, disappeared into the mist as the plane taxied down the runaway. Then, with a jolt, the earth fell away below the window. Before long, the quilt of green fields that made Ireland famous vanished beneath the clouds. Pushing back into the seat, Susan slowed her breathing and closed her eyes. The face of her Mum appeared in her mind. The warmth of the tears on her cheek surprised Susan. “Lord, please be with my mum and my dad as I move away. Please allow me to see them again someday. Thank you for the opportunity to fulfill my dreams,” Susan whispered as the aircraft lifted higher into the sky.

Patsy leaned over and whispered in Susan’s ear. “Don’t worry; I think you will see your parents again someday. I heard your prayer. When you trust God, He can make all things possible. You just have to trust Him.”

Angel in Disguise – Have you ever met an angel in disguise? I would love to hear your stories. Click To Tweet

Come back next week to read the rest of the story about an angel in disguise

Grace and Peace to you,

Yvonne M. Morgan is a Christian #author, #blogger, and #speaker. #BibleGatewayPartner

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

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