Beautiful Blogger Award

Beautiful Blogger Award

Welcome to Real Life.  I still feel new and insecure in the realm of writing and blogging. I greatly appreciate each friend who stops in at Real Life. I also appreciate the fellowship of writers and bloggers who’ve welcomed me into their world and spurred me on with timely encouragement. Some of that encouraged arrived Sunday when I was nominated by two of my favorite bloggers for the “Beautiful Blogger Award”:

Along with these two, I nominate[1] the following for the “Beautiful Blogger Award”:

  • Jamie Loker’s Until All Have Heard …   Jamie and Jim Loker are missionaries to the non-literate people of Oaxaca, Mexico and beyond since 1986. I am continually in awe of their servant ministry and the challenges they face with their large family.
  • Erika Solgos’s The Sol Train  For my Grace Church friends, Erika is Gail Solgos’s daughter-in-law in Chicago. She challenges me with her ever-expanding global worldview. She and her husband have adopted two daughters from Africa.
  • Lee Davy’s Needy Helper  Lee consistently amazes with the level of vulnerability in his writing. He is constantly learning and growing and inviting us along on his journey. Lee lives in the United Kingdom.
  • Raani York  Since I can be serious to a fault, Raani’s creative humor brings me back into balance. I am also a cat lover. Her “cat prince” writes his own blog.
  • Jean Wise’s Healthy Spirituality  Jean is the first blogger I met. She was a great help and encouragement when I first started. Her healthy words continually refresh my spirit. 

Finally, nominees are asked to share seven random things about themselves. Here’s mine:

1. I love chocolate.
2. I homeschooled my sons through high school. (I often miss the “homeschooling world.”)
3. I’m currently re-reading Blue Like Jazz and thoroughly enjoying it.
4. My favorite book of the Bible is Philippians.
5. My parents were both born in Slovakia. Ja som Slovenka.
6. George MacDonald (1824-1905) is my favorite author.
7. I was once a member in good standing of the “National Association of Women in Construction.” I attended their national convention in New York City in 1984.

Coming soon … This week’s blog will feature a guest blog by Michelle Virnelson.

[1] Rules for the award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Paste the award on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for the award.
4. Nominate 7 bloggers.
5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated.
6. Share 7 random things about you.

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