Bible commentary om Rev. 3 vs 20 : Here I am , I stand by the door and knock

Bible commentary om Rev. 3 vs 20 : Here I am , I stand by the door and knock

Posted on June 7, 2015 Updated on June 7, 2015

Rev. 3 vs. 20:  Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

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What are the lessons of this verse?

  1. Jesus wants to save you, that’s why he is standing by the door of your heart.
  2. Jesus have been standing at the door of your heart, since your birth; you might have served God before and have not backslidden. He is saying, Here I am to receive you back to me, if only you can repent.
  3. Jesus does not force himself on anyone; he cannot force himself into your heart; that’s why he is waiting for you to open your heart to accept him.
  4. Jesus is eager to receive you to his kingdom that is why he is standing not sitting, though the act of standing is more stressful. It shows he is ready to sacrifice and endure pain in order to receive you to his kingdom. How long would you keep Jesus standing
  5. You have closed your hearts to his words, and he wants you to open it now for him.
  6. Jesus could not come into your heart, because someone else- Satan has occupied your heart. Why not cast Satan out of your heart, and allow Jesus to come in now? Rev. 3 vs. 20: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
  7. Jesus says if anyone hears my voice…meaning Salvation is for everyone and anyone. No matter the gravity of your past sins, Jesus is willing to forgive you if you come to him in repentance.
  8. Jesus says if anyone hears my voice…meaning it is possible to hear Gods voice or the devil’s voice. Which voice have you been obeying?
  9. Jesus says if you open the door, he will come in…meaning salvation is a freewill. The decision to serve Jesus or Satan is your choice.
  10. Lastly Jesus promises a marriage supper of the Lamb if you accept him as Lord and Savior. There is rest, joy, and peace with Jesus. If you open your heart for him he will give you abundant life. Jesus is not calling you to poverty, rather he wants to save you and bear your burdens.
  11. Would you invite Jesus into your heart today?

Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Christianity, Jesus Christ and tagged Babatope Babalobi, church, deliverance prayers, Devotionals, God, Jesus, Prayers, Salvation, spiritual warfare, Success.

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