Bible study 2 Peter 1: How to overcome spiritual barrenness

Bible study 2 Peter 1: How to overcome spiritual barrenness

Posted on July 5, 2018 Updated on July 5, 2018

How to overcome Spiritual bareness

 2 Peter 1

For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

By Babatope Babalobi

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  1. Spiritual bareness causes unfruitfulness
  2. Spiritual barrenness is a killer of the promises of God
  3. Spiritual barrenness leads to spiritual dryness
  4. Spiritual barrenness leads to backsliding
  5. Spiritual barrenness leads to failure
  6. Spiritual barrenness is the mother of sinImage result for 8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. Spiritual barrenness produces corruption
  8. Spiritual barrenness is the fertiliser for lusts
  9. Spiritual barrenness leads to prayer failure
  10. Spiritual barrenness leads to separation from the Holy Spirit
  11. Spiritual barrenness leads to spiritual blindness
  12. Spiritual barrenness causes short sighted vision
  13. Spiritual barrenness is the energizer of sin
  14. Spiritual barrenness leads to spiritual famine
  15. Spiritual barrenness leads to scarcity of signs and wonders4
  16. Spiritual barrenness leads to spiritual weakness

Read 1 Peter 1

  1. Be diligent in studying the word of God- vs 5
  2. Increase your faith in the word of God- vs 5
  3. Live a virtuous life- vs 5
  4. Read the Bible – vs 5
  5. Read Bible based literature, increase your knowledge – vs 5
  6. Have a gentle spirit- vs 6
  7. Be patience with God, don’t be in a haste to witness the manifestation of his promises- vs 6
  8. Focus on God, be godly – vs
  9. Be kind, love your neighbour, avoid wickedness- vs 7
  10. Be a good giver, help the needy- vs 7


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This entry was posted in 2 Peter, Bible study and tagged babalobi, Bible study, Christian, christian prayers, deliverance prayer, Devotionals, Success.


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