Bible Study: power in Praise and Worship

Bible Study: power in Praise and Worship

Posted on December 27, 2008 Updated on December 28, 2008


Memorise: “For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding” (Psalm 47:7)

Read: John 4:23-24

 Pastor E. Adeboye

‘But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23).

In the phrase “The hour cometh and now is”, the Lord is jointly talking about the present and future, since the past, present and future coexist in Him. That is why He is rightly called the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the One Who was, Who is and is to come.

 From time past, God had sought for worshippers but has been disappointed with the quality of worship offered by His children. God is tired of poor worship offering. He has since launched a man-haunt for true worshippers. Will He find you worthy? There are two categories of worshippers of God – true and false worshippers. Where does your worship offering fall?

Why is worship rejected? What constitutes false worship? According to John 4:21-24, restricting worship to a particular place or location makes your worship unacceptable. In the past, the Samaritans believed they have to go to a particular mountain, or to Jerusalem before they can worship God.

Today, some people still believe that worship should be done only in church or during worship programmes. Such limited worship is rejected by God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says you are God’s temple and as such worship should freely flow both from your body and your spirit to God your Owner.

Another reason worship is rejected by God is when it lacks understanding of Who is being worshipped. Jesus told the Samaritan woman they were worshipping what they did not know. This shows that the Word of God as well as divine revelation of Who God is, is non negotiable in true worship. The more you know God, the better the quality of worship. The more you experience God in situations, the more your prose and poetry will flow in worship to Him.

An example here is the worship and praise Psalm Moses and the children of Israel composed after their victory over the Egyptians (Exodus 15:1-21). This is also why Psalm 47:7 commands you to sing with understanding. When you worship God without the backing of His Word, it is like offering God vapour instead of water. It appears briefly but before you take it in, it evaporates.

Whenever you use God’s Word while worshipping God, it becomes a powerful, acceptable worship. God is ever bound to honour His Word. How much of His Word is inside of you? Stop being a false worshipper. Take steps to worship Him correctly from today.

Like Moses and the Israelites did in Exodus 15:1-21, compose five songs out of personal experiences of God’s intervention in your life and family. As you worship God with these, such worship will be with understanding.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, financial breakthroughs, pastor adeboye, Praise, RCCG, Religion, worship.

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