Capable of evil behavior. - Divorce Minister

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There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing.

-Proverbs 12:18, NASB

Cheaters are capable of all sorts of evil in the effort to cover their sins.

Pastors and other Christians need to become less naive on that matter. Cheaters are like addicts.

They prioritize feeding their addiction to illicit relationship(s) over the well-being of their partner and even children. In fact, they may take some direct steps to cause those loved ones great suffering on the road to fulfilling the cheater’s own desires.

It is sick.

But do not underestimate the capability of a cheater in the grips of their cheating “addiction.”

In another way, it isn’t an addiction. It is worse. With a true addiction, the person is generally powerless over the addiction.

Cheaters CHOOSE to cheat. This nastiness requires planning. That is why it is called EVIL!

Faithful spouses struggle in the healing process precisely BECAUSE they are shocked–at least, I was–that the person they married was capable of all those wicked things.

A woman married for her kindness drops a real shock-bomb when the husband discovers she has been cheating with another man all while ripping him in marriage therapy.

I bet I would get more than a few hands raised from readers who could relate to that experience either as the faithful husband or the faithful wife.

It is not uncommon, sadly.

And that is not even mentioning all the financial crazy things cheaters do. It is not mentioning the smear campaign waged against the faithful spouse to make the cheater look like the martyr.

I could go on but you get the picture…

Cheaters are truly capable some pretty nasty stuff. Don’t underestimate them.

*A version of this post ran previously.

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